Top Five reasons why we should be thankful to the intolerance debate

1) For past 10 years we all had been sort of trapped in the ruckus of political corruption. For now suddenly the trap has been broken and we were made to jump into another ruckus - political intolerance. Thanks to spare us from banality. We wanted something new. With time the media has got an advanced, higher-decibel version of the shouting Arnab whose older version once tore our eardrums apart by shouting “corruption, corruption, corruption… n times” today is flaunting his upgraded decibel levels by shouting “intolerance, intolerance, intolerance…. n times.

2) Indian readers (or pretentious readers) who once flaunted the Chetan Bhagat collection in their bookshelves and devoured even the worst of his novels, got to know that there are writers in Indian literary circle who actually write. However, to save his “izzat” our sweet Chetoo himself jumped in the battle ground but unfortunately he couldn’t do much as he has this bad old habit of always keeping his feet in his mouth. Twitteratti constantly reminding him to “loose his feet” but it takes time to let go your old habits. Finally he understood “what the young India wants” and deleted “not 5 but some mistakes of his life” from twitter. God bless him. 

3) Right after the writers were the filmmakers to join the coterie. Similar to readers, it were so called cinephiles who came across the epiphany. Audiences who once adored Rohit Shetty and Karan Jouhar for their crying and dying got to know some real names in Indian film scene.  

4) Indians obsessed with sending their children to IITs, IIMs and medical schools for the first time got to know that you need to study even to be a filmmaker.  Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) that so far was somewhere left ignored and muffled beneath the fatty salary packages of IITs and IIMs was away from the media attention, suddenly became the talk of the town. My association with FTII was for the first time was notices by my townspeople. A common man got to know that without any connection there is a possibility to get into the film industry and industry doesn’t consist only of Khans and Kapoors.

5) There is a common saying “angrez chale gaye par apni angrezi chhod gaye” the English had gone but had left their English behind. Obsession with English is not new for us Indians and thanks to English media atleast some obsessed Indians are definitely have successfully added some words to their vocabulary. Left and right that so far have been used to get the directions right now are being discussed in political context. Fringe that has hitherto been used only by science and fashion designing student suddenly been understood as radical organizations.


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