Patricia M.
Helping skilled professionals land quality opportunities in public sector spaces | Job Search Strategist | Career Coach | CV - Resume Writer|
Having reviewed hundreds if not thousands of CVs/Resumes in my time. I have found that many professionals assume their document is perfect therefore causing a detriment to their ability to land their next opportunity as not open to taking advice.
Just like any other industry, there is only so much knowledge you can gain from free tips online. If you get results fantastic! but know that if you are not gaining any traction there are nuances impacting your outcomes that you may not be aware of.
That is why I have put together this series of the top five common mistakes I see occurring time and time again.
Personal details
Professional Summary
Key Skills and Achievements
Employment history
Education Summary
Professional Development
Always include a professional summary. Too many of you are completely leaving this section out. You have seven seconds to make an impression. This equates to the first third of your document. The details included here give the Hiring Manager an indication of whether to progress your application. Leave this valuable piece of CV real estate out and you could be letting good opportunities pass you by. Here is an example I wrote based on a job seekers open to work notification. Rework to match your personality expertise and skills. Schedule a consultation if you need help with this. (Details in comments)
X,Y, Z (JOB TITLE) who boasts three plus years of hands-on experience in ML engineering. Consistently delivering pivotal tenure collaboratively founding engineering teams that exceed performance targets. Leading the charge in delivering customer-facing ML-oriented products, I am fully equipped with end-to-end ownership of system design, feature road mapping and deployment support. Specialising in cutting-edge research of AI-ML domain and system engineering. Seeking to contribute my passion, innovation and dedication to support XYZ organisations in achieving business objectives underpinned by tangible results.
3. Remove emojis, icons, pictures, graphics, columns, and embedded tables including keyword lists as they are Applicant Tracking System (ATS) tripwires. If you are wondering why your document keeps getting auto rejected this is most probable it.
4. Move your skills section to the front page. Why are you placing your most important information on the lower end of the second page? You have seven seconds to impress. It needs to be in the first third.
5. Qualify your metrics. Unqualified metrics come across as disingenuous. Adding metrics to every single bullet point does not add value as it is not a true reflection of how successful people in roles work. Hiring Managers are also assessing sector-specific knowledge and behaviours commensurate with success profiles for the role.
Trust this helps! Wishing all the best for 2024.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Patricia Mcleod
Career Coach, Job Search Strategist, Author and CV Writer with ten-plus years tenure in the Employment Support Industry.
Supporting underrepresented professionals to secure, employment, promotions, pay rises and development opportunities aligned with their expertise, knowledge, skills and experience.
We know that underrepresented professionals are routinely overlooked for positions they are qualified for through academic attainment and experience.
The services I provide empower recipients to, elevate their careers to land the offers they want.
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