Top Financial Ideas to Implement
Phil Bamback, Australian Private Equity Funds and Private Credit Funds
Driving Growth Through Private Equity Funds & Private Credit Funds
Top Financial Ideas to Implement
Please share widely. I truly believe this information will help everyone who takes some action on this list.
Full disclosure... I no longer have my financial planning license so do not take this as personal advice… having said that... let me say this... find some people you trust… accountants… financial planners etc.… clever people who care and implement some of the ideas below that suit your families plan :)??
Use you super to buy property or shares using leveraged borrowed funds– both asset classes can now be effectively geared inside superannuation.?Super is generally a long term 7-10+ year investment which suits borrowing. As an extra benefit the borrowings do not affect your borrowing capacity outside of super where you may want to buy more investment properties or shares (assuming no personal guarantees are given).
Use tax shelters where you can – such as superannuation and your principal home, think about it, your company pays 30% tax and then gets a deduction for super contributions which means you get the equivalent tax benefit of 30% because that’s what company tax is, you then only get charged 15% tax on earnings.
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) –having your own SMSF can save you money over the longer term by taking advantage of the 15% tax rate on income.
Reduce the effective tax paid on super from 15% to 5% - if you invest mainly in Australian shares that provide a franked dividend this will reduce the amount of tax payable on the income to often 5% or less, you can also get international exposure via global Aussie shares.
Pay your Life & Income Protection Insurances with your superannuation, not your after tax cash flow (depends on your age) - Life, Total & Permanent Disability, & Income Protection to age 65 available inside super.?You can salary sacrifice the premiums and the contributions are tax deductible to your super fund, a double tax benefit.
Insure your income, it’s the largest asset you have – it costs less than $27/week for a 37 year old non smoker Tradesperson to insure 75% of a $110,000 income until 65. You insure your car comprehensively and it’s worth way less than your income for the next 20 years!
Insure your partner’s life for what it will cost to replace them – often a figure of 10 times your income is recommended – let’s say $200,000 to pay down debt, and $800,000 invested and used to provide an income of say $50,000 for 30 years (depends on investment rate of return how long it lasts).?
Borrow to pay investment or business debt and use extra money created to pay off your home loan – classically a separate Line of Credit is set up and used to capitalize the interest on business or investment debt (tax deductible) and the rent or business income paid into the home loan to accelerate the payment of this debt (non tax deductible).
Start or continue a Business / Investment with your partner as an employee - use debt to pay expenses and divert the business or investment income to pay off expensive non deductible home loan debt. Plus you can pay your partner super & claim a tax deduction for it. Seriously good strategy if you have the cash available!
Invest into tax effective Index Funds?- another Warren Buffet idea, an example of this would be an index fund based on the top 200 Australian companies, fees can be a third of retail managed funds and there is no active trading so CGT events don’t occur.
Cash Reserve – always have at least 3 months of expenses on call via cash or redraw, hurts if you don’t and then need it!
Tax Effective Children’s Education Funds – invest now, tax effective now!
Use an offset account against your mortgage to preserve future tax benefits in case you rent out your home.
Buy a Holiday House or Retirement House now while pressure is downward on the price – you may find a bargain and it’s a long term investment, at least 7-10 years. For most people this purchase will end up costing them NOTHING after tax with rates so low and you can fix rates low as well!
Buy each child a home – first home owner’s grants aside, helping your children own a home as soon as they can will hedge your family against inflation.?Try and buy property where Universities are or employment prospects are for your kids in the future.
If you're over 55 start a tax effective allocated pension and salary sacrifice your pay (if self employed tax effective ‘concessional contributions’)?– your super is now in a zero taxed environment and you can withdraw 10% per annum very tax effectively.
If your spouse is older, split the maximum superannuation to them so that they can access tax effective income streams earlier.
Do everything in a company, trust structure or combination – income splitting, lower tax, asset protection.?
Only put your business entity through a company, DO NOT hold assets like investments and property in companies – companies don’t receive the 50% CGT discount and are fairly easy to sue for assets, better off to hold those in trusts.??
Borrow money to invest for less than 1% - it works like this… you borrow at say 8% (at some point interest rates will go back up to 8% or more), after tax cost (highest marginal rate) say 4.3%, inflation runs at 3.5% therefore the after tax borrowing cost is less than 1%.
Transfer the equity you have in your home and investment properties into a trust – by doing so you protect your current assets without having to trigger CGT or Stamp Duty. Best to set these trusts etc up prior to owning assets but a good second option is the strategy above (often called bucket strategy).
The ideal tax effective structure for most people – discretionary trust would own the assets such as Investment Properties & Shares, trading Company would be used to run your business and possibly hold trusts distributions. Provides asset protection, maximum tax benefits and estate planning as when mum & dad die the kids become the new trustees of the trust and on the structure goes.
Claim losses from your company or trust against your PAYG income – if you fail the Personal Services Income test then by the very nature of that failing you should be able to write off the losses from your company or trust against your personal income, we would need to speak to your accountant and get a ruling from the ATO but the strategy works a treat if successful.
Testamentary Trusts inside your will – basically to keep the money in the family.
Teach your children the magic of compound interest – an early plan makes a vast long term difference.
Invest in assets that produce passive cash flow – When your passive cash flow is more than your lifestyle, you can do whatever you want.
Never invest in anything that you don’t understand
The stock market in the short term is a voting machine and long term a weighing machine – look for intrinsic value, and if you don’t have the skill, a low-fee index fund is an answer. (W. Buffett)