Top Do’s and Don’ts for Traveling with Kids
JW Haagensen
Health Insurance Specialist at MHG Insurance – Yacht & Cruise Ship Crew, Ship Repairers, Cruise Ship Entertainers & Concessionaires
Just picture it. Looking out the window of a plane, on your way to see some of the most breathtaking sites from 20,000 feet up. You then glance at your significant other to see if they are as excited as you to finally get away from the rat race, and begin planning what you guys will do next. Then, one of you finally remember that this isn’t exactly a honeymoon, the kids are tagging along!
Family vacations create some of our most cherished memories. Ones that we will one day try to create with our own children. From driving across the border, to flying across an ocean, traveling the world is one of life’s most exhilarating activities. Maybe even more so when traveling with children. Follow these do’s and don’ts when traveling with kids in order to make the trip as smooth and stress-free as possible.
- Do take your time. Don’t stress out about trying to see and visit everything. Children can get tired quickly, and may not be cut out to be on their feet all day.
- Do keep track of your kids. If traveling with more than one child, regularly count them. Traveling can be very tiring, and easy for a child to run off without you paying attention. Especially if you are rushing to make a connecting flight. It may also be a good idea to “brand” them by writing your phone number on their arm.
- Do ask if the hotel is full. If not, try to reserve a room that doesn’t have any other rooms occupied on either side. This can allow your children to be themselves, and you won’t have to continue telling them to be quiet.
- Do plan for extended downtime. There could be lengthy layovers or delayed flights. Kids can get restless when sitting for an extended period of time. Bring snacks and be prepared to keep them busy with games, books, or other activities.
- Do ask for help. Many hotels and airlines are quite accommodating when it comes to making children comfortable. This can help make your trip more enjoyable, cutting your stress level.
- Do check your travel documents. Make sure your passport is still valid, you have the necessary visas, and that all of your booked dates for flights and hotels are aligned.
- Don’t wait until the last minute to pack. Waiting until the last minute can raise the chances of you forgetting something, or even missing your flight. Also, be prepared for the weather. Pack jackets if it is expected to be cold, raincoats and umbrellas for stormy weather, etc.
- Don’t forget to pack medicine. Getting sick with no relief in sight is a sure way to ruin a trip. Also, check with your pediatrician regarding inoculation and vaccination requirements.
- Don’t let your child roam the hallway of the hotel unattended. Being away from home can multiply the chances your child gets lost.
- Don’t pay for your kids to stay at a hotel. Try to find a hotel that doesn’t charge for kids that are under the age of 12.
- Don’t lose it. If your child has a security blanket, or a favorite stuffed animal, it is a good idea to leave it at home. Don’t risk it getting lost, unless it can be easily replaced.
- Don’t forget travel insurance! Having the proper coverage while on your travels can be the difference between having a great trip, and a major headache. Not only will you not have to worry about medical coverage if something happens to you or your children, but you will have a 24/7 assistance hotline to call in case you get lost, or need help with any other travel arrangements.
For more help when traveling overseas, read our previous blog, “Tips for Traveling Abroad.” We wish you safe travels along your journey. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at Our insurance brokers have the experience to assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value.