Top Branding Mistakes - Why You're Not Converting Followers Into Clients
The Marketing Muse 360 - Branding & Marketing Coach

Top Branding Mistakes - Why You're Not Converting Followers Into Clients

In today's day and age, how do you stand out from the rest? Branding. Let's dive into the top branding mistakes I've seen potentially lead to the end of a business or just no results at all.


This is by far one of the worst things you can do in terms of creating and establishing a strong brand. When we talk about consistency, there are 2 main things to note here: Branding and Exposure.

Branding Consistency is using the same color pallets, fonts, logos and pictures across all platforms (and yes, even email) so that people become familiar with you and your business. If you don’t have this laid out, it will be quite hard for people to get to know you and will most probably just click out.

Tips To Avoid This:

-   Establish a brand layout, one that you will stick with all the time

-  Create a Brand Guideline. This is essentially a book or presentation you give to all your team members and employees to stay consistent in posting the right colors, fonts and graphics

Exposure is posting on all social media platforms consistently – yes, this means every day or as much as you can, especially when you promise your viewers something. It’s shows an incredible lack of professionalism when you promise your viewers you will show up every day and end up going back on your word. So, make sure that you are always scheduling and planning your posts to establish a good relationship with both your viewers and the algorithm. Another thing to note is that you have to constantly be joining different groups and pages to widen your network and reach more potential customers.

People need to know that your business cares about putting great content out there as well as following through with a promise of showing up every time you say you will. A brand that is not consistent will find it almost impossible to turn their followers into clients.

           Poor Visuals

I would like to think this goes hand in hand with your branding consistency. If you have poor branding, chances are your visuals and graphics are the same. Invest in a graphic designer to help create amazing visuals that represent your brand. Because after all, people do judge a book by its cover.

           Unclear Message

If someone goes on your website or page and can’t figure out what you do in about 3-5 seconds, it’s time to rebrand and redesign the whole thing. In today’s space, it is extremely competitive, and everyone is trying to win the consumers attention. If both your visuals are poor and you’re not able to display your message clearly, people will just click out of your website or account – so make sure that you are being 100% clear and concise.

        Your Team

Hiring the right people who not only are skilled, but also care about your business is essential to your success. These people represent you and more often than not, they are on the back end of things making sure your systems are in place efficiently. Make sure the people on your team are like-minded people who care about your brand’s vision and message just as much as you do. You also wouldn’t want to be saying one thing, while your employees say something else. So, make sure everyone is on the same page.

        Not Going the Extra Mile

If you’ve noticed, a lot of businesses have already been doing email marketing, retargeting campaigns and different strategies to keep their business on the top of mind. If you’re not adapting these strategies in your business today, you’re leaving money on the table. While email marketing and retargeting campaigns can be a whole other topic altogether, it’s essential to learn even the basics of this and its importance in your business. Make sure to strategize and implement this ASAP to be able to convert more and generate sales.

In conclusion, your brand has to have all these basic elements to be able to run a smooth business and generate more leads. If you’re struggling to figure out exactly where to start or even how to do all these things, I suggest you take time to really lay out the foundation and analyze where you are right now and where you want to be, this way you will be able to pin point exactly what you need to improve on.

Happy Branding!


