Top books that will make you smarter
To be brutally honest, books not going to make you smarter until you know what you needed to become smarter. Unless you apply and consistently practice the suggestions and tips mentioned in these books.
So, before thinking to read a book, apply these 5 suggestions to find out your NEED.
Suggestion #1. Identify the specific goal.
Unless you don’t know why are you reading a book, you can’t become smart. You wouldn’t like to waste your time reading books and getting nothing out of it. That’s why define a goal because it will give you a purpose to read a specific book and also help to pick the most suitable book to fulfill that need.
Suggestion #2. Develop your own strategy. OWN.
You got the purpose, but everyone’s strategy vary. Don’t follow someone’s strategy just because he succeeded. Probably you may not. So, develop a strategy which is customized as per your preferences, needs, comforts and interests. When you’ll have own strategy, it’ll make you more responsible and focused to fulfill the purpose of reading specific book.
Suggestion #3. Convert the environment as per your need.
You can’t focus to read in the busiest streets. Or, in a factory where machines are running. So, create an environment suitable to achieve the purpose. And, especially reading peacefully. If your mind will be distracted, you’ll never understand the significance of all those tips and suggestions mentioned in the book. And, unlikely to consider it in your life.
Suggestion #4. Develop the relevant skills and habits to apply those suggestions.
Just reading the suggestions aren’t a good choice. If you want to be smart, you need to apply those suggestions as per your need. And, to apply that, you probably need to develop some skills or habits which prove to be helpful in implementing the tips and suggestions to be smarter.
- Register with Goodreads and explore it. These days GoodReads is one of the best and practical way to learn about the books according to your needs. It will provide you customize suggestions, book reviews, summaries, and recommendations to help you in picking best book to read to become smarter.
- If you’re interested in acquiring knowledge about life philosophy, then these could be your picks.
- Masteryby Robert Greene: Many case studies about famous and successful people. Some things which they mastered in life to achieve the desired success. Read those practical suggestions and tips and master them to achieve your desired success.
- The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. Thought of improving and transforming relationship with people around you. Most importantly, with yourself. Comprehensive and practical guide to transform your life.
- Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: When it seems everything end and nothing left, in that period how to have a hope of revival and finding strength to come out from a bad phase of life. Guide on positive psychology.
- The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer: A blueprint to bring happiness. Surrendering certain things can actually help you to being happiness in your life.
- If you’re interested in developing your personality to be better, then consider these.
- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carneige: A small classic book on people skills. Small but effective suggestions to be pro at connecting with people.
- Thinking, Fast and Slowby Daniel Kahneman: Thoughts are your reality. The way you think decides what your action will be. Focused on what your thoughts can do for you.
- The 4-Hour Workweekby Tim Ferris: All about personal efficiency. When you can do something in less time, then why sticking with it for long hours? In the remaining time, you can do something else which can transform your life for better.
- Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield: A book about amateur to pro. It helps you to identify what it takes to earn the respect of others as well as own respect.
- The Art of Warby Sun Tzu: Want to win any battle? Author shares the strategies and tactics which you can develop to be ahead in any form of battle and conflicts.
- Outliers: The Story of Successby Malcolm Gladwell: Thoughts of successful people and what helped them to achieve the height of success.
- If you want to develop a positive mindset, then these could be your considerations
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen: Thoughts are reality. Your action are the reflection of your thoughts. And, this book highlights that effectively.
- The Power of Nowby Eckhart Toelle: Stressed on the importance of “NOW”. What are the benefits of applying “NOW” or the possible losses of “Procrastination”. Do it now because it is now or never.
- The Power of Positive Thinkingby Norman V. Peale: Classic guide to avoid the worries and set a path of success in daily lives and works. Author tells that believe in yourself that you can overcome anything and achieve your dreams
- Think and Grow Richby Napolean Hill: Filled with ideas which have power to change your life and the way you perceive things and situations. Allow you to travel the path of learning and transformation.
- Mindset by Carol Dweck. Author explains the difference between a “fixed mindset”and “growth mindset”and help you conclude what type of mindset you should develop.
- If you want to develop a better and happier personality, pick these
- Smarter Faster Betterby Charles Duhigg: Staying busy isn’t related with productivity. Author shares the examples how can we be smarter, faster and better in achieving our goals and dreams.
- The Pursuit of Perfectby Tal Ben Shahar: Author tells the difference between positive and negative perfection and how to avoid such perfectionism and start living optimally.
- Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Happinessby Tal Ben-Shahar. Happiness isn’t an end goal but a journey which one has to travel everyday, every minute. If you want to be happy, you’ve to do it religiously like any other general activity you perform.
- And, for more, explore the world of books, connect with like-minded people, interact with them quite often and ask what they’re reading. Probably, they could’ve better suggestions to fulfill your specific purpose.