Top Barriers of AI Expansion at State Agencies
GL Solutions- GL Suite Software & Services
Founded by former state regulators to help government run, grow and adapt. Located in Kalispell, Mont.
Top Barriers of AI Expansion at State Agencies
A report released in August shares insights into the integration of AI at state and local governments. The study by Ernst and Young revealed the top barriers for AI adoption; these included unclear governance and/or ethical frameworks, as well as the lack of technology infrastructure. In addition, for top data governance issues, resistance to change topped the list for state and local agencies.
Nurse Licensure Compact: Legislative Updates
The Nurse Licensure Compact saw legislative action in nine states and the District of Columbia in 2024. According to a 2024 issue of In Focus, a publication of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the NLC “saw significant progress and one key enactment.”
Three Impacts of Expanding NP Practice Authority
States with full practice authority for nurse practitioners see three main impacts, according to testimony presented to the Texas Health and Human Services. The effects of expanding NP practice authority include higher rates of NPs moving into the state, with lower rates of practitioners leaving.