Top 9 Reasons Why QlikView is Best in BI
Malini Shukla
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QlikView Features
Below are the 9 Features of QlikView, which gives us the importance of QlikView, let’s discuss them:
a. Powerful & Global Data Discovery
The capability of efficient data discovery is one of the powerful QlikView features. QlikView runs a natural search through all the available information. By natural search, it is meant that the data searching process doesn’t follow any predefined rules or patterns. The users can build applications and dashboards according to their needs. Using these apps, they can carry out a fast and easy process of data discovery and analysis. QlikView enables quick, natural, unrestricted data search and also provides easy associations and collaboration with many other data sources. This QlikView feature is supported by a patented second-generation QIX engine of the QlikView software.
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b. Interactive Guided Analysis
During the process of data discovery (interpretation of collected data), the QlikView software helps the user by suggesting possible interpretations. Most likely business trends and possible business patterns are suggested automatically by the software which ensures better decision making. Every user basically uses QlikView for the purpose of drawing meaningful insights from the ocean of data, does not miss any important point to analyze or insight with the guided aid provided by the tool. This is facilitated by the interactive dashboards and apps. QlikView also offers attractive visual aids like graphs, charts, tables etc, for displaying the data reports. The user has complete authority to customize these apps and dashboards accordingly.
c. In-memory Technology
Traditional Busines Intelligence tools, use disk-based and query-based data storage and retrieval system respectively. In such an arrangement of data storage, data is stored in external memory disks in an intermediate form (within data warehouses in cubes) and queries are sent in order to retrieve the data required. This process is very slow and tedious. Whereas, QlikView uses a new patented in-memory architecture for data storage. All the data from different sources (even from traditional sources like data warehouses) is loaded in the RAM of the system and is ready to retrieve from there. Now, if any user using QlikView at the frontend wishes to fetch data, it will be done from this in-memory storage quickly. It offers direct discovery of big data from sources like Teradata, Cloudera without having to load entire data. QlikView is a pioneer of in-memory technology.
d. Associative Model
An associative data discovery model is also unique to Qlikview. As we have discussed in the introductory tutorial on QlikView, traditional BI tools have a hierarchal approach for searching data. Which is not the case with Qlikview. In QlikView, all the data fields are independent of each other and at the same time linked with each other if searched for relevancy.
Let us understand this with an example, suppose we have a database of movies. It has fields like movie name, actors and directors. In QlikView, if you want to get all the relevant information of Amitabh Bachchan, like what movies he worked in, which directors did he work with? You just need to select the name of the actor (Amitabh Bachchan in this case) and you will get all the information related to him on the dashboard instantly. You can personalize your search in any manner you want. Like you can select a movie name say ‘Airlift’ and within seconds all the relevant information (like actors in the movie, director etc ) about Airlift ( present in the database) will display. This is how an associative model works where all the relevant data automatically gets associated.
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e. Comparative Analysis
This is one of the QlikView features helps to comparative analysis, is an extension to the associative model. Through this, you can compare different fields and data sets. The users or developers can select the data sections or states which can compare. This comparison is aided by tables, charts, graphs to better understand and analyze the compared data. With the help of this, rare trends or exceptions in business could see. These Qlikview features provide efficiency to the software by helping the user to gain useful insights into the data.
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