Top 9 present (& 1 future) iconic Londoners
I started work in London in the early 90's. I was an amazing place, full of opportunity and fun. Sundays in the City of London were dead as a Dodo. Early mornings in the West end and Soho were full of the cleaner-uppers of the night before and the breakfasts (defo not the coffees), were the toast of the town. Fancy was 'The Savoy Grill', not so fancy but equally tasty was.....
Pontis, just above Oxford Street was always open early, maybe even 24 hours? I think this is now quite a serious Italian restaurant and of course it is all pedestrianised outside. That's good and bad, I guess.
Driving around London main was always a bit of a fist, although there was one incredible cut-through from The Strand to the Embankment underneath and to the side of The Savoy; Is it still there?
So, this got me thinking. What are the Iconic businesses in London as per London people.
Well, here are mine:
What are yours?