Top 9 Industries That Are Using Conversational AI For Business
Top 9 industries that are using Conversational AI

Top 9 Industries That Are Using Conversational AI For Business

Conversational AI is the centre of talks happening around technological innovations nowadays. The last few years have set up scenarios where businesses and customers are mutually ready to adopt conversational automation. ?

On one hand, conversational AI offers personalized interactions, faster replies, improved customer service, and easy purchase flow for customers. ?

On the other hand, businesses can use conversational AI?to boost lead quality, reduce support costs, increase customer loyalty, and gain more sales.?

Here are the top industries where businesses have adopted conversational AI on WhatsApp with result-driven use cases: ?

1. Using conversational AI for e-commerce ?

The e-commerce industry is doing well with exponential sales growth. The worldwide e-commerce retail sales amounted to $3.35 trillion in 2019, which is expected to reach $6.54 trillion in?2022. ?

Despite this growth rate, e-commerce businesses are struggling to maintain their sales cycle with traditional channels such as social media, emails, and phone calls. Not more than 1-3% of visitors feel engaged enough to fill those static forms. If you also rely on these platforms, you must be struggling with the same problem. ?

Relying only on the human-driven sales and support system cannot lead a business to success at any scale. We have helped various e-commerce businesses, from Shopify startups to giant brands, create a new form of transformative digital customer experience with AI chatbots. ?

Conversational AI is helping e-commerce companies to- ?

  • Capture and qualify leads faster ?
  • Create shorter sales cycles ?
  • Provide cross-platform support ?
  • Save time ?
  • Making more money ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for E-Commerce! ?

2. Human resource ?

Every company needs a smoothly running HR department to ensure long-term success. During the process of recruitment, HR managers must take care of hundreds of activities. And the success of those activities defines the future of a company. Finding the right candidates, ensuring policy compliance, resolving queries and conflicts- all these activities ensure that a business can run without any interruption. ?

Many organizations have started using conversational AI for futuristic and proactive HR activities. Companies that use artificial intelligence for HR can increase their productivity by 45%. HR teams are saving almost half of their time usually spent on managing talent and answering questions and queries. Hence, they can spend more time strategizing, planning, developing, and recruiting talent. ?

With AI deployed to your HR activities, you can- ?

  • Attract more relevant prospective candidates ?
  • Reduce the hours spent and scale up the recruitment process ?
  • Qualify candidates based on automated background checks ?
  • Answer their questions with personalized interactions ?
  • Help candidates with paperwork, onboarding, and company policies ?

And more! ?

With ORAI, you can adopt an AI-powered HR chatbot for more human-like engagement of candidates and employees. An AI that can find what employees want in real-time and help them instantly rather than letting them go through an endless cycle of emails. ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for HR! ?

3. Conversational AI for manufacturing ?

The manufacturing industry involves large-scale customer queries and operations. Manually handling interactions causes reduced results due to delayed responses and inefficient processes. ?

To match the scale of manufacturing, enterprises are deploying AI in their digital conversations. Various tasks across marketing, sales, and support are being automated using AI chatbots for business. ?

Using ORAI’s conversational AI platform, your manufacturing business can- ?

  • Run conversational marketing for more qualified leads ?
  • Take care of supplies and inventory with AI-enabled ERPs and legacy systems ?
  • Automate 90% of repetitive customer support queries ?
  • Offer personalized product advisory ?
  • Send useful updates and delivery alerts ?

Get an AI Chatbot for Manufacturing Now!?

4. Healthcare industry ?

It is hard enough for doctors and nurses to ensure accuracy in every minute detail of their jobs. At the same time, they must invest 1/6th of their working hours into administrative work. For instance, even the small task of arranging doctor’s appointments requires a lot of attention. Any mistake during manual entries can result in serious problems for patients. ?

Thankfully, now your hospital staff can automate many such tasks with Conversational AI. Instead of manually filling out forms, hospital staff can simply let the self-service AI bot schedule meetings for patients as per the available time slots. ?

Conversational AI can offer complete automation to the healthcare front office. Patients do not have to rely on calling the hospital staff to get information or wait for responses regarding transfer requests, discharge, and consultation requirements. Everything is processed and conveyed by an AI-enabled virtual assistant. ?

It may seem far-fetched to integrate all channels with a single platform, but omnichannel conversational AI is making it possible. A single bot can be used across all offline and online channels along with a comprehensive integration with new databases, legacy systems, CRM, and ERP systems. ?

With AI there for patients 24*7, hospitals can send on-time alerts and receive urgent requests to respond without any delay. AI bots are designed to update records, manage the medical history of every patient, and notify them about prescription refills. ?

ORAI has made conversational AI for hospitals and clinics to create an omnichannel experience for patients, plus manage and utilize data whenever and wherever required. ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for Healthcare! ?

5. Conversational AI for real estate ?

Every prospective customer adds a big amount of money to a real estate agency’s revenue. So, businesses cannot afford to lose those leads on social media and websites due to the nonresponsive approach. ?

Beautiful images and too much information cannot do the trick if customers want to ask questions for quick and relevant answers. In that case, they are likely to enjoy an instant conversation with AI that understands their requirements, rather than browsing through the long web pages. ?

ORAI is giving that ability to real estate businesses with conversational AI, so they can have more qualified leads ready for nurturing and more satisfied clients. ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for Real Estate!

6. Travel & hospitality industry ?

In the travel and hospitality industry, businesses work for 8 hours while customers wish for assistance 24*7. This presents the challenge of losing more than half of your potential customers. Even the best contact forms on your web pages cannot give you more than 1 to 2 percent of sales.?

An AI chatbot, on the other hand, lets you engage potential leads, qualify them, and convert them into sales. Not only that, but conversational AI can also be there to answer customer queries 24*7 to enhance their travel experience. ?

Another issue AI solves is the broadcast of personalized travel information to customers. From booking details, trip packages, room types, dietary options, visa information, travel insurance, offers, deals, and all diverse kinds of updates can be sent to every customer automatically. ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for Travel & Hospitality! ?

7. Conversational AI for automobile ?

For automobile dealerships, maintaining an ongoing relationship with customers is necessary to keep on receiving revenue by fulfilling maintenance and repair requirements. At the same time, they need to ensure that no prospect goes away due to complex or inaccurate information. ?

Without any conversational automation, car dealerships struggle to capture leads and convince them to book a test drive due to delayed or no response. Often customers choose multiple channels to connect with a dealership and feel frustrated if they are restricted to a single channel for conversation. ?

So, automobile dealerships are now transforming their approach with AI-powered chatbots by integrating them across multiple channels for a unified customer experience. They are using the predictive intelligence and data segmentation capabilities of AI to find, track, and nurture leads. ?

Get to know more about Conversational AI for automobiles! ?

8. Education industry ?

The year 2020 was a revelation for many institutions that neglected the digital student experience for a long time. From primary schools to higher education institutions, all are now trying to establish a digital presence that can manage the entire journey of a student. ?

Here comes ORAI’s AI chatbot for the education industry with the ability to ensure personalized, self-service assistance for students' pre-academic, during academia, and post-academic experiences. Institutions can now utilize voice and messaging across multiple channels to- ?

  • Improve the quality of student query support ?
  • Increase admissions with conversational academic marketing ?
  • Employ AI as a digital PR asset?

And more! ?

Get to know more about Conversational AI for Education! ?

9. Conversational AI for insurance ?

Attractive landing pages and regular social media promotion cannot do much if an instant conversation is not possible in the insurance industry. People decide to buy insurance from a company that gives them top-notch experience, answers questions, and resolves confusion. ?

To enable such prompt service and support, insurance companies now adopting conversational AI. Instant interactions are improving engagement on websites, social media, and digital ads. Using this 24*7 availability, insurance companies can- ?

  • Generate more qualified leads ?
  • Provide policy advisory to customers ?
  • Send personalized notifications ?
  • Assist with the policy claim ?
  • Handling other complex queries faster than ever ?

Click here to know more about Conversational AI for Insurance!?

In Conclusion

With a conversational AI platform, you can generate leads on every channel and simultaneously nurture those leads with personalized interactions and help with transactional activities 24*7.?


