The Top 8 IAM/IDM Articles from March 2018

The Top 8 IAM/IDM Articles from March 2018

Stay informed with the Idenhaus Consulting Identity Management & Cybersecurity digest. We curate the best IAM/IDM, IoT, Identity Governance, & Information Security articles to help you navigate the ever-changing IT landscape. Subscribe to our biweekly newsletter here.

Here are our favorite Access Management & Cybersecurity articles from early March 2018.

Salted Hash Ep 21: Scammers targeting Office 365 and DocuSign via CSO

On this week’s episode, Salted Hash talks with Barracuda’s Asaf Cidon about targeted scams leveraging Office 365 and DocuSign.

Why Workarounds Are IAM’s Silent Killer via Idenhaus

Workarounds are a key indicator of the maturity of your IAM solution; the fewer workarounds you have, the more mature your solution.

A Sneak Peek at the New NIST Cybersecurity Framework  via DarkReading

Key focus areas include supply chain risks, identity management, and cybersecurity risk assessment and measurement.

U.S. Cybersecurity Threat Risk Remains High — No Signs of Lessening via CSO

The U.S. Director National Intelligence says the public and private sectors in the U.S. are at continual risk and the country should expect cyber attacks from nation state and non-state actors.

In-the-wild DDoSes use new way to achieve unthinkable sizes  via ArsTechnica

Hackers have found a way to amplify distributed denial-of-service attacks by an unprecedented 51,000 times their original strength in a development that whitehats say could lead to new record-setting assaults that take out websites and Internet infrastructure.

10 Recommendations for SMBs to Improve Cybersecurity Posture via Idenhaus

Many businesses approach cybersecurity challenges as purely a technology problem; however, the data contradicts this, revealing that breaches and attacks are typically user-driven.

Microsoft’s Supreme Court Case Has Big Implications For Data via Wired

U.S. v. Microsoft, which hinges on a law passed decades before the modern internet came into existence, could have broad consequences for how digital communications are accessed by law enforcement.

Securing the Web of Wearables, Smartphones & Cloud via DarkReading

Why security for the Internet of Things demands that businesses revamp their software development lifecycle.

Also, be sure to download my new, FREE digital book entitled Reimagining Identity Management: How To Design, Choose And Implement The Right IAM Solution For Your Business.

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By going to work quickly to solve the most challenging cybersecurity and identity management problems, Idenhaus takes the pain out of securing corporate information and assets for companies that aspire to maximize their potential in this digital age. Click here to contact us


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