As a design first fintech company, we stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and methods that influence user experiences. It is important to remember that the user’s initial impression of your brand is heavily weighed on the product’s UX and UI and keeping that in mind, I have identified key trends that will make waves in 2023.
- Large font size and immersive experiences?FTW - Our goal is to tell a story that helps immerse users into their overall experience - through a multi format approach.
- The Card component is now intelligent - Earlier, cards were considered to be just an information piece, but today cards are intelligent components capable of displaying complex information, different states, stories, infographics and unique interactions
- Light mode | dark mode - The choice is yours - In the past, users would occasionally switch to dark mode if they wished to, now it is expected that our devices are?luminous intensity adaptable and can alter accordingly.
- Moving away from feature lists to building a right experience?model - Feature lists are still a popular capability building exercises in a company, but more companies are moving towards drawing experience?models using customer journeys maps, mood boards, embedding brand into product?
- Mass migration from Adobe to Figma - In the post-pandemic era, a space for real-time collaboration is highly preferred and
enables that.
- Creating value through discovery research - Researching a problem space, getting a deeper understanding?of customers, systems or constraints by direct methods, finding opportunities?with a shared vision makes a discovery research a powerful method to build right things for customers and business
- Design system becomes smart - Design system is not restricted to just Figma files - They are now part of front end architecture plugged with services powered with machine learning algos, helping customers with on-time, accurate info to take their decisions and do their?jobs.?
- End of cash, now money is a digital story - Money is entering a zone of friendlier experience?online creating story-like experiences involving settings, characters, goals, points of views and resolving conflicts.?
Kiran Kulkarni
is the Senior Vice President, Design Experience at #Niyo