The top 7 social media platforms for business
Think you know which social media platforms for business are right for you?
Social media is a necessary tool for any business that wants to remain pertinent and gain exposure online. It can help you get in touch with people from all over the world. Social media is also an excellent tool to create a brand identity and positive brand association, raise brand awareness, find new leads, improve communication and interaction with key audiences, increase website traffic and even improving your customer service.All you must know are the goals you want to achieve through social media marketing, what is your target audience and then choose a platform that fits in with the type of content you publish.
1. Facebook
With over 1 billion daily active users, Facebook is a platform with a wide impact that has users all over the world.
It serves as a place where the business can interact with costumers, provide free advice, answer their questions and above all provide trusting relation.
So wether your business goal is to raise brand awareness, increase website traffic, improve online conversations with key audiences, Facebook makes an evident difference in achieve your goals when used in the right way.Here you can target by age, gender, interests, employment and so much more, so it gives the possibility to take action with your potential audience.
Sharing and combining all the types of online content, events, ads etc., with Facebook's extensive, data and ad platform,Facebook can be one potential social network to help your business.
Facebook is also a good platform for building relationships, showing the human side of your business, and turning leads into loyal followers and customers. Facebook. The key is content that shows a different side of your company.
More than other platforms, Facebook is equipped to distribute in a linear manner the answers to a question-making post or initiate a conversation. The answers or conversations appear in friends of those who have responded, spreading so the conversation.
Facebook is good for lead generation, and its advertising platform can be highly customized to target the potential audiences. It is excellent for reaching a large number of people.
2. Instagram
Instagram has 500 million daily active users and as part of the same owner has all of the same paid benefits of Facebook, but there are also some other functions you can succeed or results you can reach without directly paying for them in advertising. This makes Instagram a great option for both with and without an advertising budget.
People remember 80% of what they see as opposed to what they read or hear and Instagram has the advantage as a visual platform because you can publish posts that include photos and videos of a high-quality. So if you are a brand with visual content, create and post content according to your interests. The best time to target your posts will be during their commutes, nights, and weekends.
An Instagram follower is more qualitative than in other networks.
Here you can use hashtags to optimize the search results.
3. Pinterest
Pinterest has 175 million monthly active users and about 80% are women. So if your business serves more for women; Pinterest is a social media platform where you need to be.
Lifestyle, food recipes, wedding inspiration, outfit ideas are some of the top searches on Pinterest. If your business is a creative industry of any kind related to these topics, you need to be utilizing Pinterest as one of your platform for business.
Pinterest has some important capacities that other platforms do not. The word itself explains the meaning: pin an interest. Users search their interests through keywords thereupon the posts need to integrate with keywords that can reach the targeted audience.
If you want to give your businesses a chance to succeed, your content requires words that are searched a lot on Pinterest, and this is possible without having to use advertising and spend money.
Three-quarters of the audience is female, and the most searched topics on Pinterest are design, décor, fashion, art, travel, food, wedding.
Pins are organized into Boards that operate like easily-categorized content and Board names represent the category.
Pinterest search engines favor recent content so pinning and re-pinning frequently are necessary.
4. YouTube
Youtube is a video platform that permits users to watch videos and upload them. It has around 1.5 billion active users, giving your business the possibility to share contents with over 30 million daily active users who are likely to watch it.
You can optimize the search of your YouTube's videos with the adequate keywords inserted in the title, video description and keywords tool.
YouTube videos appear in Google search results and a link correlated to your website can boost single views into long-term impact.
5. Twitter
Twitter has 330 million monthly active users and the most are under the age of 50. It is one of the most older social media platform which enables high-speed and frequent communication.
Twitter is also great for involving new potential customers through its use of hashtags which correlate with other posts from Twitter users that have utilized the same hashtags. This signifies that you can get consumers searching for something that your business offers and conversely.
Personality and compactness are the keys to making your business voice discovered.
You can reach out to followers with breaking news, publications, relevant messages in the instant communication.
The type of content that works properly on this platform is text-based content, such as how to articles and quotes. Images perform better on Twitter that video.
You have the opportunity to go "viral" on Twitter, since a string of re-tweets can help your content reach millions of people. With this heavy sharing aspect on Twitter, it's a great opportunity to spread the word about your content.
The one catch to using Twitter is the word limit. You can post photos and videos along with 280 characters.
6. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a platform of links between professionals and can serve as a CV or a digital business card where include more accurate information about job positions, work email addresses that are utilized more for personal use.
It's an older platform that relies more on text-based updates. LinkedIn is a great place to interact with potential customers and to recruit employees. It is perfect for B2B small businesses.
This platform has 250 million monthly active users, almost all of which are in the working world or close to it.
LinkedIn’s advertising platform does give you a lot of job positions to target. This can be essential if the bottom line of your business is dependent upon targeting specific businesses or job titles.
You can share Job-postings, company descriptions, employer/employee research etc.
It's important to keep a company description and profile page watchful of keyword SEO, but your network of employees and contacts is your most valuable content on LinkedIn. Make sure people in your connections are relevant and professional. There’s nowhere online where employers and employees are more intimately connected.
7. Google Plus
Google Plus is a social media platform that is owned by Google, the larger search engine in the world. It has almost 400 million monthly active users.
Unlike all of the other social media platforms for business mentioned in this article, Google Plus can act a role in boosting your SEO rankings organically on Google. Posting on Google Plus regularly, will not only expose your company to its users, but it also helps Google get expert at knowing what your website is about.
You should use it if you have already the major social media networks, bloggers, etc.
Keywords and search engine optimization are central to the appeal of Google Plus. Link frequently to content on your own website, for directing this search boost where you want it most.
Denisa Drabaj from Digital Marketing Evolution
If you know which social media sites for business are right for you but don’t have the time or know-how to manage them, contact us and let discuss how our social media marketing agency can help you!
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