Excellence comes with practice. It is a prerequisite for success. Success as an outcome is influenced by external factors as well. Having said this, excellent ones can maneuver through challenging times.
Successful professionals, artists, entrepreneurs, and organizations have developed competencies to be excellent and successful. Personal excellence is a topic of interest to young students. As it's been a topic of discussion for ages, there is so much literature on this and related topics.
One of the questions youngsters have in mind is, Why excellence? Here is a summary list of key reasons;
- Excellence allows you to take charge of your life, career, and lifestyle.
- Excellence opens new doors of opportunities and growth areas to be successful.
- Excellence encourages others to provide you with more autonomy in work.
- Excellence builds trust and reputation in the industry, community, and society.
- Excellence is desired for exceptional projects and leadership roles.
Given below is the list of the Top 7 Necessary Skills for Excellence;
- Creative Insight: Asking the right questions to see things for what they can become.
It's the ability to adopt a variety of critical perspectives or views. Here is why this skill is important;
- Fully appreciate the essence of an object, situation, undertaking
- Solve problems by penetrating through their confusing symptoms
- Spot and take advantage of strategic opportunities
- Several shots of a problem from a variety of perspectives
- Getting the most desirable solution
- Discovering opportunities others never see
- Solving problems in a different way
- Lack of insight causes stagnation
- Discovering advantages and strengths
2. Sensitivity: Being sensitive to others and in search of ways to help others, and solve problems.
Sensitivity initiates strong culture and motivates others to do better. Here are key points;
- Primary traits are Love, Trust, Openness, Sincerity, Service,?Sacrifice, Kindness
- Supportive traits are Empathy, Commitment, Dignity of all, Use for the common good
- Lead through service, Concern, and Sharing
- Don't assume you know others' expectations & needs without discussing them
- Recognize the change in people over time and in different situations
- Treat others the way you would like to be treated, assuming you had their unique set of expectations and needs
3. Vision: Foresee things that others are unable to even imagine: Vision is a mental journey from known to the unknown, creating a future from a montage of current facts, hopes, dreams, dangers, and opportunities.
- Clear vision creates the future
- Vision determines success or failure
- Vision unites strategy/plans and culture/habits
- Consider new ideas & angles until your vision becomes clear
- Remain at the center of the action
- Use scenario building to mentally create the future before you create it physically
4. Versatility: Anticipate Change and build transferable skills and unique solutions.
- Versatility converts opportunities into threats
- Without versatility, response to change is too slow, too late
- Versatility ingrains adaptability
- See things coming & don’t get blind-sided
- Act on new developments rather than solely reacting to the actions of others
- Initiate and try new products, methods & ideas
- Monitor the environment closely paying attention to important events, issues & conditions
- Approach learning as self-development & seek adventure and enriched experiences
- Make varied activities part of your everyday life
- Never allow more than thirty/sixty days to slip by without pursuing a major new personal or professional activity.
- Drop at least one old, worn-out activity every thirty days.
- Avoid adding new activities that are similar or related to old ones.
5. Focus: Implement desired change: Prioritize attractions and eliminate distractions.
- Focus exploits change
- Lack of focus stifles permanent change
- Intense focus generates competence
- Approach activities with full and undivided attention
- Restrict your focus to activities at which you can excel
- Shift focus quickly & completely from one activity to another
- List and rank your interests in order of importance
- Lay out all the specific details of what will affect and be affected by the change before you implement it
6. Patience: Living in the long term: Confidence in the actions taken with a lot of enthusiasm.
- Patience leads to lasting excellence
- Impatience compromises perennial performance
- Patience produces staying power
- Reexamining self & vision during the process of change
- Avoid making decisions prematurely
- Control your response to aggression
- Make a habit of mentally residing in the future
- Once vision is in place, act calm and relax instead of worrying about the consequences
- Keep an “impatient moment’s journal”, recording every impatient moment you experience
7. Positive Thinking: Identify risks early and improve continuously: Practice embracing the affirmativeness in our?thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our reactions, and our speech.
The word positive is meant to signify a manner of thinking, a manner that emphasizes processing thoughts in a more desirable, upbeat way.
- Choose hope to hopelessness, prosperity to poverty, and success to failure.
- Believe in optimism
- Have a burning desire to work hard
- Keep learning
- Never quit, look for ways
- Focus more on your strengths
- Associate yourself with positive thinkers
- Set realistic targets for you
If you wish to know more about these skills, get in touch with me to discuss further.