Top 7 Excel Hotkeys to boost Your Productivity
1. ALT=
If you have list of numbers/values in a column, you can quickly get the sum by using this Excel hotkeys.
2.CTRL + D
Use it to copy the cell right above the active cell. Please note that this would copy the contents, formulas, and formatting as well.
3. ALT + H + B + A (Applying Border)
To quickly apply borders to the selected cells, use this hotkeys:
4. SHIFT + F2 (Inserting a Comment)
If your work involves inserting a lot of comments in cells in Excel, you’ll find this shortcut mighty useful. To quickly insert a comment in a cell, use this hotkeys:
5. SHIFT + L (Apply Filter)
Here is the another hotkeys that would instantly apply data filter on the particular database.
6. Ctrl + K (Insert Hyperlink)
To insert a hyperlink in a cell, you need to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. The hotkeys for this is:
7. Ctrl + T (Converting Data into Excel Table)
To quickly convert data into an Excel Table, select the data (or select any cell in the data set) and use this hotkeys: