Top 6 UX Trends To Raise The Business Scope In 2018!
With time being one of the most expensive resources now, software application innovators are under immense pressure to please their visitors in the little window with the best possible experience they can provide. The extent of research put into the tiniest of details in the making of such software applications is commendable. A good UX or User eXperience is the difference between a good app and a bad one. That’s what UX is all about! Direct results of user experience may be tough to predict, but studying trends based on observation is helpful. In this blog, I am sharing with you the top UX trends for 2018. Let’s check out together the upcoming innovations:
1. Micro-interactions ‘returns’
Microinteractions are those minute details and moments that affect a single task. They will aid a lot in communicating the feedbacks and accomplishments of individual tasks which will keep users more engaged and glued to the applications. One such example of micro-reaction is Facebook adding the concept of reaction to a particular post. 2018 is the year it seems which will see the potential of micro-interactions actually realized.
2. Content-Focused Design
Another aspect of the design includes the presence of good content as it gives a boost to the website traffic and enhances search engine results. We are talking about ideas beyond SEO. A content-focused design will surely aid to the increase in leads, and eventually be expanding the business. This channel is expected to trigger a chain of innovations to directly impacted streams of web designs, search engine optimizations etc.
3. Use of Voice User Interface (VUI)
VUI or Voice User Interface is one of the most imperative trends that is going to prevail this coming year. It has proved to be extremely useful and time-saving, especially for the ones who suffer from impaired vision. This is also purposeful for the drivers. While their visual attention is being grabbed by the roads, they can communicate by using voice commands. That having been said, the future of good user experience will possibly involve VUI.
4. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
AR and VR has now become a crucial part of any application or user experience. Where AR tends to cater to context-sensitive issues on the move, VR tends to create a more personalized experience that is most relevant to closed spaces. More people will have hands-on AR and VR in 2018, and it might be one of the most desired and used trends.
5. Mobile Friendly Design
The traffic and number of visits to the internet from mobile devices have increased a lot, and there are absolutely no mobile devices left now which do not have access to the internet. Mobile first design basically shows the type of design you are interested in designing first, most of it being mobile, smartphones or tablets. It will cater to a larger audience and at the same time, the businesses can get greater traffic on the go, and thereby, help in real-time business.
6. Focus on Humanizing The Digital Experience
Nowadays, people expect to interact with the digital products the same way they interact with other human beings. This trend is related to user emotions, that is, how a user feels after interacting with a product digitally. This aids the businesses to understand the likability and demand of a certain product. Designers will tend to focus on humanizing the digital experience and it will result in greater involvement of UX researchers, designers, specialists, and open up newer scopes.
With the advent of latest innovations with fresh ideas, precise intellect, new technologies, UX design practices are surging to new heights. Companies, as well as designers, are expected to put the user experience above all so that their applications thrive within the current environment which will presumably gather rightful applauds from their customers.
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Source: Algoworks' Blog