Top 6 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Business Website

Top 6 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Business Website

You have to take into account the vast population that uses mobiles to access online content. Plus, the number keeps increasing at a rapid rate. Research suggests that in the near future the number of mobile users will most likely double. In addition to this, it was found that mobiles would be the main point of internet access for the majority of people accessing the internet.

Top 6 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Business Website

  • Affordable choice

When you focus on building a website that optimized for a desktop as well as mobile. You do not have to put in an additional amount of money. And effort to build a second website to cater to your mobile using visitors. It helps you accomplish all of your maintenance and updates within a limited amount of time. Since several online businesses, especially startups, have a small budget. Building a mobile-friendly website from the beginning will help you save money in the end.

  • Mobile shopping is becoming popular

Online shopping has created an urgency in making every online business mobile-friendly. The majority of people who do online shopping or browsing for a variety of products. Services are choosing to do so using their mobile devices. Hence, it is in your interest to ensure a smooth user experience when they are trying to buy your product or service using any device. Since several online businesses have difficulty-converting browsing into actual sales. If you completely alienate mobile devices using customers because your website is not optimized for the small screen. Your revenue will end up taking a further hit.

  • Social media is accessed primarily on mobiles

Have you ever wondered what apps do people spend most of their free time on while they go about their lives? It’s more often than not, social media including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, among others. All of these platforms used to market your website. As they are built to be accessed through all types of devices, especially mobile phones. It is crucial to the growth of your business to include social media strategies such as images and videos. Advertising on these platforms will also help you reach your audience easily and lead them to your website.

However, it is important to optimise your website for mobile devices, as the people who are led to your website through these social media platforms will be mostly using their mobiles. So it could end up in an easy increase in revenue or a spike in bounce rate, depending on how optimized your website is for mobile device users.

  • Boost in traffic

Building a mobile-friendly website will help you attract a wider audience as your website can cater to people using different types of devices. It really adds to the user experience and results in delivering smooth performance and maximum speed. There are only a limited number of people who use desktops to browse, while the majority of the population are choosing mobile devices. Especially smartphones to buy products and services online and engage with businesses. If your website accessed by people using a variety of services, it increases your traffic and with it, automatically your chances of hosting revenue. You can try our Cheap VPS Hosting for your business website.

  • It modernises your online enterprise

When you establish your presence online, it is important to build your brand. If your brand makes a bad impression on your users, it can remain long-term. It is crucial in today’s day and age to keep up with the ever-changing trends and aesthetics to attract more audiences and retain their attention. A mobile-friendly website tailor-made for a small screen will accomplish this easily.

Your users will move on to your competitor’s website if they are unable to access or browse your website using their mobile devices. It ruins the reputation of your company as well as makes it look inefficient. You will end up spending your customers who expect a smooth browsing experience.?

A mobile friendly online business makes a great impression in the eyes of your users. When they access your website and have a great user experience, they will end up wanting to invest in your products and services through their mobile devices. This could prove to be a huge plus in increasing your revenue. You will even get more customers through referrals if your customers have a good experience. In addition, they will visit again.

  • Google will not highlight your website if it is not mobile friendly

Google works with its own set of parameters. It has enough user data to realize that users surf the internet using several different devices other than the traditional desktop. The main one is the mobile device. Several websites fail to tailor their content to the small screen of mobile devices and its consequent navigation.

They focus on desktops, which result in an extremely bad user experience for the overwhelming number of potential customers browsing using their mobile phones. Why is this such an important factor for search engines? Well, many users access Google using their mobile devices.

Therefore, if your website is not mobile user-friendly, Google will not rank it higher. The main priority for Google is to rank websites that will prove to be beneficial for their users. Its focus on improving search traffic can be extremely beneficial for you if you can build a mobile-friendly website. Hence it is extremely important to have a website that accommodates not only desktop users but also mobile users as well. You will see a distinct increase in revenue and a decrease in Vince rate with a mobile-optimized website.


If you are part of the minority that refuses to have a mobile-friendly website, you should get ready to lose a lot of traffic and business to your competitors. You could take the help of your web hosting service in India to help you build a website that is compatible with mobile phones. This will automatically help your website grow, boost search engine rankings and help your business grow and succeed.

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