The top 6 reasons why people will pay you money!
Madhuri Maharana
Scale your Email & SMS revenue by 30-35% in 9-Weeks using my ACE framework || Shopify & Klaviyo || eCommerce Email & SMS Marketing ??
Why will people pay us? Am I worthy enough to charge $$$?
Oh, YES!
Here's why - not one but 6 various reasons that a potential client is absolutely waiting for you to take up their business and take them on a successful voyage:
1. They don't know how to do it...
I don't know how to build a website. Build my website for me. Here is a check. I don't know how to do Facebook ads. Do my ads for me. Please take my money.
2. They don't WANT to do it.
I can not stand to go to Walmart. Go to Walmart for me. Buy all the crap I need and bring it back. Send me a PAY NOW link.
3. They don't have TIME to do it.
I am too busy running my business to deal with Facebook ads. You do it for me. Send me a Paypal invoice.
4. Their time is TOO VALUABLE to do it.
I make $1000 an hour when working in my business. I know how to do it and have time to do it. But my time is worth $1000 an hour. If I pay you $250 an hour to do it, I am buying myself hours of time that I can use to make $1000 an hour. Please take my money.
5. Shortcuts and HIGHER opportunities.
I know there is more out there and I know I can go to the next level. But I do not have the time or want to figure out how to do it on my own. Help me get there. Where do I pay?
6. They are SCARED to do it.
I know what to do and have an idea of how to do it but I am scared I will mess it up. You do it for me. Send me an invoice.
I am sure there are others but these are a few things to think about.
NEVER try to convert the unconverted. Look for people who are looking for you.
#dedicated to a digital marketer!