Top 6 Reasons Toxic People Get Away With Their Behavior
Susan Ways, SPHR, SCP, MA
Strategic HR Executive | Talent & Leadership Development | Driving People Centered Business Success
One of the questions I frequently get asked about the workplace is, “Why do bad people seem to get away with everything they do?” From managers to colleagues many of us see this phenomenon play out frequently in the workplace.
It is human nature to want to believe that good wins over evil. We are socialized at an early age to think this way and this line of thought is reinforced in books, television and movies. Then there is karma. We all want to believe in karma. The thought that what comes around goes around leaves us feeling that there is a sense of justice in the world.
It is because of these types of thinking that good employees are left confused, disillusioned and often angry watching toxic employees not only keep their jobs but get rewarded despite their behavior. There are reasons for this starting with the fact that employees over value the notions of karma and justice and under estimate the calculated intelligence of toxic managers and co-workers.
These people aren’t just awful people, they are wicked smart in the art of manipulation and know exactly how to not only get away with disruptiveness but how to work it to their favor.
Below are 6 reasons toxic people get away with their behavior in the workplace:
1) They cast themselves as the hero. Toxic people find followers who they can easily manipulate. Their manipulation ranges from simply not targeting them to making and carrying out special promises for them. Most of us have seen someone in a leadership position bring along one (or several) of their “friends” placing them in positions they don’t deserve. Once they have their factions built someone raising concerns about bad behavior isn’t going up against one person, they are battling a fiercely loyal army with things to protect. There is no way they will turn on this person and most likely they will turn on you. Once someone has secured their position in the eyes of others as a hero, you will be hard pressed to change that.
2) Individuals see what groups won’t. Individual people can see the reality of what is going on, but when placed in a group if no one speaks up they will think they are alone. Have you ever sat in a meeting amazed at what was going on and wondered why you are the only one who see this? Most likely you aren’t the only one and others in the room are experiencing the same confusion but yet no one speaks up. Occasionally you will find that one person who has the courage to speak up and others may follow or still may keep quiet until they see how their comments are received. This is a form of groupthink mentality. Individuals lose their voice, their creativity and their independent mindedness adopting the views of the group. Toxic people carefully create a culture where others won’t speak up.
3) They create a perception of invaluableness. There are several creative ways that I have seen people do this. One is through being excellent at doing their job. It is much harder to risk losing a high performer than it is an average or low performer. Typically high performers will get a pass for bad behavior. Another way is through managing up. When someone understands how the thinking of those in leadership works they can manage up very effectively. This creates a perception of understanding and alliance which can be very powerful and valuable. One other way it to highlight everyone else’s weaknesses. If someone can make the broader team look inept they increase their value. They often are able to dazzle their bosses with lies and embellishments placing them in a position of respect.
4) Other people are dispensable. If someone crosses them, they know how to swiftly and effectively put them in their place. They have and use the ability to make someone’s life miserable and they are not above pushing someone out of the company directly or indirectly. Relationships for them are quid pro quo so unless you are directly benefitting them they have no use for you. With few exceptions they cast others aside and do so unapologetically. Because of this they are able to strategically build their own empires that empower and enable their behavior.
5) They are master wordsmiths. When caught in a situation they will offer vague apologies or admissions of guilt but always with an explanation minimizing their role. They are expert Spin Doctors and can twist a story to present them as the victim in any circumstance. They can create a cloud of confusion and doubt that leaves the most conscientious objectors uncertain of the truth. Either through outright lies or subtle context changes they manipulate the truth in their favor and implicate others at all cost.
6) They build strong factions. The goal for a toxic employee is to divide and conquer. As master manipulators they quickly scope out those who will best serve them and align with them to achieve their end goal. They create inner circles that are submissive and easily controlled. They become the leader of these factions. The people in these factions are comprised of “yes men/women” and will agree with or support the toxic employee no matter what. Toxic people can go back to their group and hear exactly what they need/want to hear to justify their actions and strengthen their position. With a strong influence over organizational culture these factions can provide a solid foundation that cements the toxic employee and makes them bullet proof.
Susan Ways is a Human Resources executive, key note speaker, professional trainer and leadership coach. For more information visit
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Preclinical Study Monitor
5 年All too familiar with these types of people.
5 年Please ?let us know how to handle them?