Top 6 of the most downloadable papers in 2017

Top 6 of the most downloadable papers in 2017

Dear Colleagues! We would like to present you the most downloadable papers in 2017 published in SocioEconomic Challenges Journal:

1.     Olha Kuzmenko, Victoria Roienko. Nowcasting income inequality in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

This paper has used data to nowcast income inequality adjusted with the Fourth Industrial Revolution growth in five European countries. To nowcast future level of Gini ratio, authors perform the following steps: the identification of the relevant technological and socio-economic indicators that carry on significant influence on the income inequality; data collection using Google Trend tool; recognition trend and the cyclical component of the dynamics of income inequality and Industry 4.0 indicators; nowcasting Gini ratio with the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

2.     Csaba Kollár, Zsuzsanna Vinárné Bellász. Terrorism and the information security of media content with special regard to ISIS, the Balkans and Russia

 Terrorism in our days poses new challenges to the European governments and citizens as well, because it operates with new tools, much more professional leaders with presumably strategic thinking – compared to previous times – and with a communication activity involving the media, especially the electronic media. Out of the range of terrorist organizations, the present study chooses and discusses ISIS in detail.

The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

3.     Vasileios P. Karakasis. The impact of “policy paradigms” on energy security issues in protracted conflict environments: the case of Cyprus

The research question that this article attempts to address is what are the main policy paradigms that guide the opinion leaders throughout energy security matters within protracted conflict environments? Using the de facto divided island of Cyprus as our single case study. This research enterprise involves open-ended interviews with the opinion-makers on the Island and “political discourse analysis” that identifies the quintessential aspects of the recently emerged energy debate.

The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

4.     Badri G. Narayanan, Naveen R. Kadasala, L.V. Narayan Achari, Seshadev Sahoo. International trade policies and sustainability of nano-textiles

This paper discusses such an important topic as the usage of nanomaterials. Their potential adverse impact has been documented in the scientific literature. European Commission and USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) have already come up with regulations that govern these materials. Authors employ a widely used global economic (Computable General Equilibrium) model (GTAP – Global Trade Analysis Project) to evaluate the economic and business impact of such sanctions quantitatively, in a stochastic and comparative setting.

 The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

5.     Justin Dean, Olga Syniavska, Serhii Mynenko. Using economic-mathematical modeling in the study of the economic component of terrorism

The article is devoted to the study of the dependence of the level of terrorism on the economic development of the country. The authors selected variables for the detection of dependencies, carried out a grouping on the level of economic development based on cluster analysis, constructed models of the dependence of the level of terrorism on the economic development of the country. The verification of the models for adequacy made it possible to conclude that constructed models can be used to predict the level of terrorism from countries like investigated countries in terms of economic development level.

The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

6.     Carlo Alessandro Borella, Diego Rossinelli. Fake News, Immigration, and Opinion Polarization

In this paper, authors investigate the effect of fake news on people’s opinion polarization on a hot topic – such as immigration – through an experiment. They show that “Backfire Effect” and a cognitive bias we named “Validation Myopia” occur when people read Fake news independently if they believe them or not. In addition, authors show how Fake news affect opinion polarization and we provide evidence that the Backfire Effect has a higher magnitude than its counterpart (i.e. validation myopia). Finally, they show that the emotion-driven effect of fake news can be neutralized thanks to ex-ante signaling of the inaccuracy of fake news.

The full text of this paper is found at the following URL:

Please enjoy the papers’ reading! Your comments are welcomed.


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