Confessions of a copywriter: Top 5 tips for creating SELL-tastic customer testimonials

Confessions of a copywriter: Top 5 tips for creating SELL-tastic customer testimonials

I'm a big, big, BIG fan of customer testimonials and reviews when they're employed properly as key sales drivers. They are an incredibly easy way of drumming up business, and are simple to obtain.

My recommendation is that businesses of any size should put them at the top of their list of must-have marketing assets. Any business that doesn't see their value, is letting a great opportunity slip through their hands. Why? Because potential customers want to know what previous customers think. It really is as simple as that.

So, no more mucking about, here's my five top tips to creating customer testimonials that will do the selling for you.

1) You have to ask for them...

As a great man once said: "Shy bairns get nowt." Don't be shy when it comes to asking people to tell you about your business. Word of mouth is one thing, published testimonials on your website for everyone to see forever is quite another. It's a permanent record of your excellent work. So, if you don't ask, you don't get. Don't be a shy bairn.

2) When you ask, ask for "written feedback" not a "testimonial"

Sounds simple, right? But you'd be surprised how many customers will balk at the prospect of giving you something as formal as a testimonial. So, when you do ask, request written feedback. Feedback is more likely to be honest and gushy about how amazing the work you did was. "Formality" leads to bland responses. "Feedback" is no-holds-barred - that's what you want.

3) Don't edit! Proofread instead

DO correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. DON'T change the sentiment of a testimonial. The customer respects you enough to provide you with honest feedback, be respectful of them and publish what they said. If you're doing a good job, the majority of your reviews will be favourable. The odd negative review here and there is easy to deal with...after all, you can't please all of the people all of the time.

4) Make obtaining reviews a part of your working process

When you've finished a job, don't chase for reviews straight away. Pop a reminder in your diary to contact that customer about 2-3 months later. This gives them time to settle back in, make use of whatever you helped them with and see its benefits for themselves. My advice would be to create an email template for this purpose, that way it's a ten-second job. If you did this with every customer, you'll be rolling in reviews before you know it.

5) Never, ever, ever, ever, ever fake them

As tempting as it may be, never give in to this dark, dark art. Don't create glowing reviews...they'll never be believable. Some of the best testimonials I've read have at least one or two negative points lost in the myriad of positive ones. Be honest, don't be a faker. And that's it.

Does anyone else have any customer review tips they want to share? Any stories about a great customer review getting you business? Share them with me, I'd love to feature your stories/tips/comments.


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