Top 5 Tips to Avoid Overwhelm and Smash Goals
The Rich Life's Dilemma
Feeling like we have too much to do often reflects a rich life – with loved ones who depend on us. It is a privileged position. But it does not mean we should feel overwhelmed. In our always-on world, we must learn to manage competing demands on our attention without losing our minds.
Despite continuously revising my priorities and being conscious of my investment of time, I often experience having too much to do.
Here are my top tips to avoid the feeling of overwhelm while making progress towards important goals.
Tip 1 Start less, Finish more.
This might sound counter-intuitive but hear me out. Our default answer is often 'Yes'. We end up with too many concurrent projects and commitments. Even today, I realise that I have over-committed. I found a quiet space outside and made a list of my projects. I had to decide what must be dropped or put on hold. Flow is all about one thing at a time.
Bottom line? Without being too prescriptive, any more than 4-5 Big Projects across work, life, family and health is too much.
Each week, choose your Top 4 and focus on those.
If you find it hard to say No or to drop projects, ask yourself?'What would be the impact if this were not done?'
Sometimes saying 'No' is more powerful than a half-hearted 'Yes'.
Tip 2 Differentiate between Big Rocks, Filler and Routines?
Our time is consumed by three different types of activities:
- Routines
- Big Rocks
- The Rest
Let's start with the easiest. Routine (or business-as-usual) are just the daily life tasks that take up time, are non-negotiable and are usually daily.
Big Rocks are either:
(a) Major goals with a specific start and end date which require daily effort outside of the routine, e.g. writing a book?
(b) New habits you are trying to establish until they become routine, e.g. getting fit (as opposed to staying fit)
Ideally, they are motivating and enjoyable – but are not always.
Then there are The Rest. These are outside your Big Goals. You may still?
work on them but only for fun or as a bonus. Keep expectations low if you start them at all. If you find yourself disappointed each week, then consider dropping them.
Here is a quick 5-minute exercise to de-stress when feeling overwhelmed. I call it the Sane Brain.
Grab your journal. Write down ALL the stuff in your head - everything you have going on. Classify it as Big Rock Routine or The Rest. Decide the Top 5 Big Rocks. Forget the Rest. That's it. You will feel less stress simply by engaging your pre-frontal cortex and getting clarity on your priorities.
Tip 3 Define your ideal week – and test it
You already have an idea of how you would like the week to go. But you can be much more specific. I use?this MAGICAL weekly planner?to confirm whether my goals are achievable given my capacity.
How do we know if we’ve had a good week if we don’t define one?
Tip 4 Give Goals Time and Space to Live (with Rituals)
We often commit to goals without thinking about the process and time we need to invest every day for those goals to become reality. If you do not know the specific time, place and routine to achieve the goal, then it remains just an idea.
Say my goal is to write a book. Then the?process?is to write consistently - and writing 200 words each day is easier than 1,000 words per week. Because what you are doing is establishing a new routine. Better writing (and a book) follows the new habit naturally.
Tip 5 Plan every week - and Reflect.
If you plan each week ahead of time, you become more aware of where your time goes – and where you waste it. You also become more respectful of time and better at setting boundaries that give your big goals the time and space they deserve.
Getting up earlier and trying to?create?more time may help, but only if you think you sleep too much. With some clients, I do a time audit to identify the hours wasted on activities of no value.?
Regardless of your capacity (time), you might still feel you don't have enough time - if you cannot decide what is most important.
There is a dangerous myth circulating that we can have it all. This belief adds stress to our lives.?
So prioritise, prioritise, prioritise. And know that everything is a trade-off.
We can have the things we value most - once we decide what they are.
?? Hey, I'm James.
I Help Busy Entrepreneurs and Leaders Organise to Get Great Sh*t Done... Without Losing Their Minds.
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PS The Conscious 90-Day Warrior is where I teach this.
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