Top 5 Things I Learned @ MJ Biz Con
Haven't been to Las Vegas is awhile and a first time for business attending the #MJBizCon I learned a few things about this Expo!
For the love of god, wear comfortable shoes! I cannot believe the size of the Las Vegas Convention Centre, at approximately 3.2 million square feet! There were two other conventions running at the same time and you wouldn't have known. I think the floor space was like a football field and there was an estimated 25,000 people attended this three day event. This also meant huge lines ups a Starbucks, so get your coffee early! The amount of walking you do is like participating in a 5K run, plus I think they pump the convention full of fresh oxygen as well, or it could have been the sativa in the air.
This is an Uber city! I don't Uber a lot, to begin with, so I had no idea how much Uber dependent this city is. While there are lots of cabs in Vegas, it is a lot easier to click an app then try and hail a cab in this city.
Pleasure! Never mention Business, with all the news about crossing the border with any kind of cannabis business intent. This attitude could have changed since Sessions left, as US Customs were giving Canadians a hard time about anything cannabis related. This part was a little confusing because I only saw what was in the news and what people told me. I also took some extra precautions as well, as I deleted a few apps and agriculture tours pictures. Crossing the border at 7 am to Las Vegas, the Customs guys had other things to worry about, but I did hear a few Canadians that told the truth did get hassled. Let me know if you had any difficulty crossing the border?
RSVP, RSVP, RSVP! Getting in was easy, as long as you rsvp'd in advance! Vegas has some great venues for parties, as I attended a few. Honestly, though, I was expecting a lot of free cannabis edibles, infused drinks and a lot more complimentary cannabis. There was a THC vape sample booth and there was a blunt roller, unfortunately, he got baked and just left. Dispensaries were interesting and did not get any good reviews; I kept on hearing the same thing, expensive, limited, low quality, and really not worth checking out. I get this as they had RAW pre-rolls at $15 each. Thank god I bumped into the folks from Shatterizer!
US Cannabis Market. Quite a different scene and landscape compared to Canada, as it is a lot larger in scale. I don't think you really understand it until you are there and then it's overwhelming, as the largest Canadian cannabis expo was maybe a third or half of this size. Good to see a few Canadians mingling at the Expo. It was great to see the different markets from California and Oregon, their innovations and products they have, as I look forward to seeing them soon in Canada.
Shooting The Art of Cannabiz for social media was an incredible experience, made some great friends, hooked up with some fellow Canucks and grabbed some awesome insights from some of the top people in our industry. Loved Vegas! I look forward to sharing our finished work. Thank you to all the participants for their time and effort! See you next year!