Top 5 technologies that are leading the charge in healthcare industry

Top 5 technologies that are leading the charge in healthcare industry

You may agree that today, if there would’ve been an absence of innovation and technology, we would’ve still been using bullock carts or living in caves waging for our lives. But aren’t we all lucky to be living in the 21st century, laced with all the essential technologies to empower all our needs.

Innovative Health technologies can claim the credit for saving billions of lives annually. The global life expectancy was less than 40 years in the 19th century. Child mortality has decreased as a result of healthcare advancements. There is cure for many critical diseases now.

Everything, from pocket-sized ultrasound devices to remote patient monitoring systems, is an extension of innovative health technologies. These advanced technologies not only improve people's lives but also help to save tonnes from traditional technologies. We cannot deny the increasing role of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in rehabilitation programs and medical studies.

A number of cutting-edge technologies stand out from the crowd and have the potential to enhance the way healthcare is delivered. Let's continue reading the blog and look for new angles on health technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Data revealed that more than 12 million people face the problem of wrong diagnosis. We cannot blame the doctors every time because we all are bound by human error.?

According to the estimation, the healthcare sector will spend $20 million on artificial intelligence and machine learning in 2023. One of the best technologies for minimizing human error is artificial intelligence. It can analyze medical imagery, spot potential side effects of novel medications, spot early warning signs, forecast the outcomes of clinical trials, and more when integrated into the ecosystem, which will aid in drug discovery. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease have been successfully diagnosed and treated with them.

It is also a supporting technology that aids in reviewing information from patient wearables and remote monitoring systems. It provides an early warning of a number of conditions or a prognostic diagnosis.

  • Health Apps

An individual spends about 7 hours per day as screentime on average.?

This well-known figure highlights the significance of technology in our lives.?

Furthermore, 68% of patients say they are more likely to choose doctors who allow them to book, change, or cancel appointments online. A healthcare app provides that assistance.

By 2023, the market for mobile health apps is anticipated to reach US$102.35 billion. Consequently, more than 400000 healthcare apps are available worldwide, making health apps a recent phenomenon. You can also anticipate 200 new apps being added annually. All major hospitals, healthcare organizations, and diagnostic laboratories use such health apps to bridge the patient-care delivery gap.?

Healthcare apps use sensors to track and monitor a variety of health parameters precisely. As a result, healthcare application development services become more effective and deliver better quality. Patients can also get real-time access to the treatment process through medical apps.

  • Fitness Tracking Device

In 2022, the global fitness tracking market was valued at 17.3 billion dollars. The market for fitness tracking devices has grown significantly in the past three years. From 2020 to 2022, there will be 1105 million connected wearables, up from 835 million.?

This is one of the Innovative Health technologies that are quickly catching on around the globe. There will be a rise in the number of people who track their health and exercise habits using wearable technology. For monitoring online patient, doctors also use it. You can monitor your vital signs with inexpensive tools, and they can alert you if things spiral out of control.

Some of this functionality may start to appear in medical wearables in the not-too-distant future. When someone is at risk of developing depression can be foreseen.

  • Telehealth

After COVID, people's perceptions of tele health have changed. As a result of hectic schedules and desire to avoid protracted wait times at doctors' offices. The global telehealth market is expected to be worth USD 83.5 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 24.0% from 2023 to 2030. Reports also suggest that there are more than 74% of US consumers like to opt for telehealth. However, the global data is standing at 13% right now.?

Telehealth, one of the most innovative health technologies, is a good choice for people who live in remote areas and have little access to specialists. People who require the services of a specialist, such as a dermatologist, but do not have one in their area, can use telehealth. This facility is a godsend for mental health patients who are hesitant to visit their doctor. It improves the reach of healthcare to those in need.??

  • Virtual Reality

Virtual reality, a computer-generated simulation used for the first time in 1958, gives the surgeon access to processed image data. By 2029, a 38.7% CAGR is anticipated to have increased the market for virtual reality in medicine and surgery to 6.2 billion dollars.

Virtual reality (VR) can open a window onto the human anatomy using radiology images. The inability to practice independently after completing their residency was found in 30% of surgeons, according to a University of Michigan study. In addition, 7 million patients worldwide are thought to experience surgical complications annually. This could also be avoided by utilizing virtual reality medical training, which is effective in overcoming a number of significant obstacles.

Another choice VR provides is specialized treatment plans for patients with mental illness. Virtual reality has long been used to treat soldiers' traumatic experiences. For phobias, PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses, it offers specialized treatments.

Another choice VR provides is specialized treatment plans for patients with mental illness. Virtual reality has long been used to treat soldiers' traumatic experiences. It offers specialized treatments for social anxiety, phobias, PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses,


Future healthcare delivery will be improved thanks to innovative health technologies currently being developed. Robotics, telemedicine, and smart devices all depend on one another. One technology cannot be expected to solve all problems on its own. It is essential to create a robust healthcare ecosystem in order to increase human life expectancy further. It will incorporate all of the cutting-edge medical technologies mentioned above and promise an improved healthcare industry.?

Cognihab understands the importance of technological enhancement and its potential in healthcare. Therefore, we have designed healthcare-compliant VR-based rehab programs to address many neurological and physical health issues. Cognihab has customized programs for VR rehab suites for Cerebral Palsy, Stroke Rehab, spinal cord injury rehab, Autism suites, and many others. You can visit?the Cognihab?website for more details.



