Top 5 Technologies That GenZ Students Don’t Need Approval To Love!

Top 5 Technologies That GenZ Students Don’t Need Approval To Love!

Technology has shaped the lives of every human born before or after its introduction. It's influenced how we connect, do business, shop and even how we socialise. But how much has been changed by technology? And how did it change our perceptions, culture, health and beliefs? Can technology become so advanced that some day it will slay these conundrums? Technology has been solving student problems for decades now. Tech is the crux that’s helping in strengthening the student connection amongst the GenZ.

Dipped in Pop culture, this generation cares more about memes than movies. It is not astonishing, these lads effortlessly detach from everything traditional, a coming of age within an already arrived one! There is so much to learn from this bit of the population and even more to explore as we all know, GenZers are way more opinionated than their predecessors!

Here we have listed the Top 5 mainstream technologies that are every Genz student’s go to’s:

The Almighty Smartphone

The divine door to online shopping. Parents love to say the kids are glued to the phone, but the GenZ took that quite seriously. Their devices are hooked to them with a chain link (literally). Technology is making the generation smart, but also obsolete at the same time. Even though the positives could sometimes outweigh the negatives, we can’t deny it does bring in a balance.

Alexa and Siri, the new besties

An average GenZ communicates with their ‘digipals' a little more than humans! Well, can’t blame them, Alexa would never leave you on read and Siri doesn't have an opinion! It will not be entirely ethical to say that they have replaced humans, however, it is true that they are more conversed with on a daily basis, and rightly so, after all, they do make life a tad simpler.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Okay, let’s face it guys. We all wanted this! A world made for us and in control of what we want it to be. It can be delusional as the intellects like to term it, but a little delusion never hurt anyone. Or did it? That’s a question for the near future!

National Technology Day, Student technology, GenZ, AR, VR, Metaverse

Everything Cloud

For those born into the internet era, the cloud is as familiar as electricity. It is the backbone of everything related to the internet. The GenZ is super aware of this tech boon and makes use of it for optimal storage and security. See? It has upsides too!

The Metaverse Buzz

This one is like a dream come true for all those “Ready Player One” lovers! Irrespective of its credibility, risks or rewards, the Metaverse sure did change quite a lot around here! From land purchase and shopping, it seems like almost all of it will exist in a mystic land.?

To Sum it up:

There are a lot of technologies, big and small, with and without pipes on the side. National Technology Day has a familiar theme every year, but we’re still going to celebrate it as it brings about advances in the much-needed domain! Tapping into the student universe, UNILIFE is a discount platform that is focussed on providing offers to college students every day. Our mobile app allows you to save big on tech, fitness, clothing, restaurants, learning courses, food & beverages, events, beauty, and more. We join forces with different brands to empower the youth while they enjoy exclusive student discounts on a wide range of categories. Our app is enriching with the student community in all aspects as we conduct lucrative and upskilling internships and ambassador programs to broaden student’s success spectrum. We believe in giving back to the student community and we aim to offer varying discounts so they can enjoy a more uplifting college life.

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