Top 5 Reasons to Work with Onyx Property Group
Most of our client base comes from Owners who have tried to self-manage their investment portfolio or have come to us after being disappointed with previous Property Management Firms that do not offer a tailored approach to their business model. No two buildings are alike; EVEN if they are mirrored versions of each other, they will come with different challenges! Management options should be tailored to the needs of the property and the owners!
Year after year, OPG has been able to achieve higher than average rental rates, exceeding the market’s average rates by 25%. We challenge the Owners of buildings to keep buildings in top-shape and good mechanical order; we can pass along savings when Owners work with contractors recommended by OPG. The properties we manage look great, are well cared for and sought after! Further to this, we market to the right audience! We also have a wait list of amazing prospects looking to rent a unit managed by OPG.
How have we achieved this? Simple. We treat Tenants with respect! We give them a place to call home, in their home, they are treated with kindness and lean on the knowledge that OPG will exceed their expectations outside of what is required of us as Property Managers from the Tenant’s Rights perspective. Our Tenant base stays PUT, or years after leaving the rental market to get into the exciting world of home ownership, they continue to be one our best sources of referrals. Great referrals at that.
We know the Residential Tenancy Act, the rights of the Landlord/Owners and Tenants front and back! One of our very own team members has been working within this capacity for 25 years! One small error can be catastrophic to an Owner. We say, "it is not IF an issue will happen with a Tenant, it’s when, and it will happen". Even with top-notch Tenant’s things can happen. A slip and fall? What about harassment from one Tenant to another? OPG offers a significant layer of protection.
How long should it take to pull a rent roll? How about financials from last month, or last year? The answer. Five seconds. There is never a reason for a Property Manager to not have access to the most up to date reports and financials relating to a property. This is a chief complaint when we bring on new clients. Our reports are sound and professional; Accountants love us! We ensure all the financials are accurate, precise and broken down by unit, this information can be used for preparation of taxes and the sale of an asset.
Leave it to our Team, leave us the day-in-and-out management, the collection of fees, the screening of tenants, the leasing, the showings, the background checks, scheduling of maintenance, inspections, hearings, marketing, financials, reporting, tenant satisfaction. We will minimize your expenses, maximize your revenue and give you TIME to focus on your business, family and/or your interests.