Top 5 reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager
1. The Social Landscape Is Always Changing
A social media manager can keep track of any algorithm and changes with new trends within the platform, but also adapt your strategy and the content based on the latest updates.
A social media manager can take in what changes are either happening or soon to take place, and be agile, so can go back to the drawing board with their clients and change campaign objectives, and content to provide continued success with regards to their goals. And by changing, things get copyrighted, and having a Social Media Manager they can change stuff for you and your business it is very helpful.
2. You Need a Social Media Strategy
An employee posting at random on your social media profiles, having no plan, will do a disservice to your brand.
If that’s your current state of being, I strongly advise that you go back to the drawing board to find out how you can either:
- Have an existing employee who is passionate about this space take over the social media efforts full time.
- Or reconsider if your brand is ready to be in this space.
Social media is not a set-it-and-forget-it tactic. In many ways, this approach can do greater harm than good.
Having a plan developed for social media requires the social media expert to come together with all other people executing other marketing campaigns on your brands behalf.
Doing so will prevent your efforts from being siloed and increase the synergy of all your marketing efforts – online and offline.
For example, if you’re planning on pushing out a direct mail piece, one that is more costly than perhaps paid search or email, your marketing team should think about how your direct mail piece can be partnered with emails and social media campaigns after its in-house date to magnify your message.
This will provide better leads, engagement, and results.
Your social media manager will be able to bake in their campaigns to all other campaigns you’re working on.
The social media manager will also be able to gauge what your primary goals are for the year and translate them into social media content and campaigns.
3. Protect Your Reputation & Help Your Customers
Social media manager(s) are constantly on high alert to each message, review, and comment happening within social media regarding a brand, This help your reputation and saves it if some thing is copyrighted or someone in your business did the wrong thing.
Not only do they have the right process in place with regards to triaging, but also they’re aware of how to conduct themselves within the platform, representing the brand.
Hiring an individual who has a great deal of experience in this area is huge, as within seconds a social media manager can help mitigate and solve an issue which would have otherwise turned into a disaster if a less-seasoned individual would have put in the role.
It’s vital that the social media manager develops not only the right voice and language of the brand within social media, but also work with other individuals within the business, like customer support and PR, so contingency plans are put in place, well before a social media crisis takes place.
The action of responding to a comment, whether it’s good or bad, should also be done within a certain timeframe. The sooner, the better Because a Consumer might get mad, or a Consumer might give a opinion on what is wrong with the product and what can be changed for the better, or what is actually wrong with the product and if it is harmful.
Your brand can either help solve a problem for an existing or future customer or client, or make someone respect how your brand conducts itself on social media.
4. Perspective – Inside & Out
If you’re a brand that is debating on hiring in-house versus outsourcing to an agency, there are benefits to both.
Advantages of Hiring a Social Media Marketing Agency
- It might be more financially feasible.
- The social media manager may have fresh new ideas that you may have not have considered.
- The social media manager may not be jaded by the culture that comes with your brand and can bring in new innovative ideas that your executives may appreciate.
- They also most likely have the edge in working with similar brands within your specific agency, which also can help with best practices, what works in your particular industry and what doesn’t.
- A professional Social Media Manager that has worked with lots of businesses might just say something wrong that your business is doing, And what you should consider doing, basically they might point out little important things.
Advantages of Hiring an In-House Social Media Expert
Once trained, the in-house staff will:
- Know the intricacies of the company culture and what red tape is involved.
- Understand the brand boundaries when brainstorming campaign ideas.
5. Reporting & Tracking
Having a manager who is in charge of all your social media efforts can help you improve existing campaign.
But a social media manager can also keep your brand agile – switching objectives, creatives, or content if your current efforts aren’t doing as well as they could be.
A Social Media Manager can point out if another brand is stealing your stuff or if one of your employer is, therefor you have to get a Social Media Manager if you want you business to be successful.