Top 5 Reasons to Become an Author
Writing a book can be a daunting challenge. On top of actually taking the time to write the book, you also have to know how to properly market the book and generate sales. For this reason, writing a book is very similar to the concept of starting your own startup company. However, despite the early hardships, it can be a very rewarding experience for the following reasons.
It’s great for personal branding
As an author, I can tell you first hand the importance of developing a strong brand for yourself. The way you are perceived by others impacts everything from the opportunities that become available to you to the influence you are able to exert over others. For this reason, it makes sense to have a clear plan or goal for the message you are trying to send to your audience. Writing a book on a topic related to your brand can help to cement that perception and establish yourself as a subject matter expert.
You learn more about marketing and sales
Marketing and sales are the lifeblood of any business. Without sales a company would eventually find itself going bankrupt over a lack of financing. Writing a book can help you to learn more about these two very important disciplines, helping you to develop the mindset you need to succeed as both an entrepreneur and a businessperson.
It makes you look like a professional in your field
Professionals are known for constantly trying to learn more about their respective fields. They show up everyday, stick to their schedules, and work hard to achieve their respective goals. By writing a book, you are conveying this determination to others. You are basically communicating that you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, even if you may have to work harder than ever before.
It allows you to influence others
Without appearing knowledgeable on a particular topic, it is usually very difficult to be able to influence others. People respond to social proof, and so the more of a following you are able to amass, the more influential you will ultimately become. This holds true for both your online and offline presence.
You can generate passive income
If you are fortunate enough to be able to generate good recognition for your book, it is very possible for you to be able to generate a sizable royalty stream without having to lift up a finger. It always feels great to know that you could very well be earning money while you sleep!
Ketul Kothari is an accomplished investor and business consultant. He is also the author of the popular business book Invest Your Way to Riches. Ketul's upcoming book, Presenting Greatness, reveals the presentation techniques and strategies employed by some of the world's leading presentation gurus. Ketul has been featured in various business magazines and blogs including Despreneur, Investors Beat, and Killer Startups. You can follow him on Twitter @kkothari2