Top 5 React UI Component Libraries in 2024
chamindu lakshan
Out of the box thinker/YouTubepreneuer/programmer/Wordpress and Wix Designer
If you’re building applications in 2024, you need to work fast. You can’t spend time building your UI components when plenty of React UI Component libraries are available freely for public use!
You must focus on delivering customer requirements faster to stay above your competitors.
These libraries include buttons, forms, menus, and models. A UI component library can save you time and effort; you don’t have to build these components from scratch.
So, let’s look at the top 5 React UI component libraries in 2024. I’ll discuss the features and benefits of each library so you can decide which one is right for you.
1. MUI
Material-UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google’s Material Design. It’s a comprehensive collection of prebuilt UI components ready for use in production right out of the box.
You can build independent components if you wish to work with frameworks like MUI.
Doing so ensures that you bring high maintainability and customizability into your MUI configurations and ultimately let you build distributed design systems.
How Distributing Your Design System Can Save You Time and Money
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For example, consider this Bit Component that represents a customizable MUI Theme:
This component represents a function that creates a dark theme:
The code snippet above depicts a ready to consume dark theme for any application. All users have to do is install it via Bit, or a preferred package manager (such as an NPM Package) and start using it.
If you wish to customize this pre-built theme, all you have to do is pass in your custom configuration object as a parameter to the function darkTheme.
After you’ve configured the theme in Bit, you can view all the components that rely on it:
Based on the graph shown above, you can see all the components that use the darkTheme component, and as a result, know the places that might be impacted if you release a new version of darkTheme.
2. Headless UI
Headless UI is a React library offering completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components designed to integrate seamlessly with Tailwind CSS.
Unlike traditional CSS-in-JS libraries, Headless UI focuses on the behavior and accessibility of components, leaving the visual styling entirely up to you.
Getting started with Headless UI is not as hard as it seems. You can use pre-built Bit components to bootstrap a Headless UI environment to start building your components with ease.
All you’ll need to do is:
It’s as simple as the five commands shown below:
// first initialize a bit workspace
bit init
// fork the headless ui environment to create your components.
bit fork learnbit-react.headless-ui/envs/react-headless-ui --scope
// fork the tailwind configuration if you wish to customize it. if not, skip this!
bit fork learnbit-react.headless-ui/tailwind/configs/tailwind-config --scope
// install the dependencies in your workspace for Tailwind to work
bit install tailwindcss@^2.2.19 postcss@^8.3.6 --type peer
// create your component with headless UI and get started
bit create react ui/tabs --scope --env learnbit-react.headless-ui/envs/react-headless-ui
For a more comprehensive guide on customizing Headless UI, check this out on Bit Cloud.
3. StyleX#
StyleX is a JavaScript syntax and compiler for styling web apps by the team at Meta. It introduces the same benefits of a standard CSS-in-JS solution (and more) without the performance overhead.
To use Stylex in your project, I’d recommend working with Bit. Bit and Stylex shares the same values. Bit is a build system that also aims for composability, maintainability and scale.
Bit maintains and builds components as independent building blocks that can be shared, reused, and even developed across projects. This makes the two a perfect match for building a component library.
All you have to do is add the Stylex environment as a component generator in your Bit workspace:
/** @filename: workspace.jsonc */
// ...
"teambit.generator/generator": {
"envs": [
Next, you can build a component with Stylex:
bit create stylex my-theme
This will create a Theme component that you can customize for use across your projects.
For a more detailed explanation on using Stylex with Bit, look into this guide:
Building a Component Library with React and StyleX
4. Chakra UI
Chakra UI is a component library for building accessible and stylish React applications. It provides a set of ready-made UI components like buttons, forms, inputs, menus, etc., which you can easily integrate into your projects.
5. Ant Design
Ant Design is a robust and popular UI design language and component library primarily aimed at building web applications with React.
Wrapping Up
Selecting the appropriate React component library for your project isn’t just about following trends or picking the most popular one.
It’s about ensuring that the library aligns with your project’s specific requirements, design goals, and technical constraints.
Your choice can significantly impact the speed of development, ease of maintenance, and the overall user experience.
Create proof of concepts with each library to compare its features in greater depth before you select a library for your next React project.
I hope you find this article helpful.
#ui component
#react component library
#user interface
#react ui
#headless ui
#blazor ui
#blazor ui components
#react ui library
#react ui framework
#angular component library
#react ui components
#blazor ui framework
#angular ui library
#telerik ui for blazor
#react native ui library