Top 5 Myths about the Information security

Top 5 Myths about the Information security

Here I would like to share something new to break your thoughts or myths about the Information security world. Many time in news channels, news papers,  social media you have read or watch on information security threats, cyber crimes, hacking etc. Most of them are presented the way like it creates fake hype or in reverse situation sometimes it is totally neglected. Based on those news, posts people sometime get some misunderstanding or stuck in their own belief. Here I will share about Top 5 myths of the information security and along with this I will explain the truth. 

Myth #1 
Hackers are thieves or criminals who grab the money from your account.   
True. but not exactly. Hacking is not limited to money stealing or cracking website or data theft. It is a broad term which also include patching the security loopholes into any network or system. Hackers may also good guys who hired by the organisation to patch their vulnerabilities of the network or application. These guys are authorised to apply attacks and crack the system to check the security strength and getting paid for that. 

Myth #2
Security means install antivirus and security products
Security is not about just the product or implementation of antivirus and firewalls. Security is a process which needs to be trade constantly. Imagine if you have implemented best CCTV camera in your organisation but no one is there to monitor it. You cant take immediate actions on any incident. Imagine if you have install best antivirus but how it will be effective unless you will not update it ? You always need to monitor your security process and keep improving to maintain and avoid threats. 

Read full article here


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