Top 5 Food Businesses For 2022 and (why). Youtube Channel Marketing Food Online
Robert Roberti
CEO MARKETING Food Online YouTube CHANNEL. 14,000,000 views (and counting), Owner Founder at Amedeo's Italian Cookie Co/ Italian Deli Gelato, 7 U.S. PATENTS, Writter, Owner The Brittle Box Candy Co. 11 years on AMAZON.
I’m going to give you the five, most profitable food ideas that are actually going to take off dramatically. In 2022. I'm going to explain why and explain to you how much it is for these businesses to get started. A very minimal amount of investment, but much of them have gigantic margins. And some of them, you don't even have to make the product yourself. So we're going to dive into this video for 2022. These are the five most profitable.
So if you are brand new to the channel, you definitely want to hit that subscribe button and the bell notification because we have over a thousand videos for you, the food entrepreneur, to get your food business up and running. I am a food entrepreneur. I have been for over 12 years. My wife and I have started multiple e-commerce businesses, and we've learned a lot over 12 years. And that's why I bring these videos to you. So you can learn from what I have already done. So, number one, we are going to dive into the five most profitable food businesses that you can get started actually right now, near the end of 2021. But in 2022, these particular types of products and business models will be taking off dramatically more specifically with the food industry.
Okay? So the first one, number five, we're going to count down from five down to number one. Number five is actually a whole of the food business. These are the ones that I have been doing a lot of videos on lately. If you look at you start a small food business from home, many states have what's known as of course the cottage food laws. The reason why this made our list for 2022 is that during 2020, we all know that many people, unfortunately, lost their jobs in 2021. Most of them have not got back employment again, or they are underemployed. So if you're at home tapping into existing resources, like kitchen utensils bowls, mixers, everything that you already have to create a food product makes absolute sense. And it's a no-brainer because most of what you already need to get started, you kind of already have.
So the investment is very minimal. Now, how do you get started with cottage food in your state? Every state is specific. Every state has different types of rules and regulations, and even a list of the types of foods that you can make. Now, you need to check this out online, or you can check here on our channel. We have over half of the states in the United States already done on our channel, and you can take a look at those. I've got a few of them that are becoming up as well, soon for those remaining states that we haven't done just yet. But in the meantime, you can actually go to Google and type in the cottage, food law, and your state's name, and then dive right into the information there and get specifically to a state website. So you want to look for website.
Those are the ones that have you direct information about the state that you live in. So home-based cottage food businesses, and also how much do they cost to start Damion? Well, the majority of the states have minimal permits or food handler cards or food and other courses. You're looking at an investment between about a hundred on the high side, maybe $300 to invest in the legalities of what you need to get started. Everything else would be basically up to you as far as the equipment or any other things that you would need to create your food product from, but buying the small batches, starting on a small scale, selling locally, a lot of businesses are now finding that they're not unfortunately due to the supply chain, getting replenished with a lot of food products. That is a great opportunity for the home food business idea, because that allows you to tap into a market for multiples of products that are running out on shelves and are low bringing those ingredients together and creating unique products that you can sell locally fills that need.
So in 2022, from what I've read and what I've known online and found out in 2022 of the supply chain is not going to get any better. Anytime soon, it's going to be a couple of years from what I heard for that to even get back to some sense of normalcy. So home-based food business comes in at number four, five, number four, Amazon FBA food business. Now, if you're not familiar with Amazon FBA, Amazon FBA is fulfilled by Amazon. You actually can leverage their logistics and their warehousing and allow you to scale and develop a food product, get it into their warehouse and have them ship it, and handle all the customer service on the back end for a fee. And that allows you to have your product in the hands of literally millions of potential customers globally, actually. And in the US alone, you have of course, millions of people who shop Amazon, but the FBA program is something that allows small food businesses like yourself to create shelf-stable, packaged food products that can be put onto a shelf at a warehouse.
And of course, sit there, but it's not going to sell immediately, but it would allow you to have a product that could sit on the shelf, be pooled by their inventory, put into a box and shipped for you. So it's almost like you're supplying a grocery store, but having the leverage of Amazon, which is the largest e-commerce platform on the line when it comes to selling food, though, remember, keep in mind that Amazon FBA works great for certain food products. I have a few of those videos that I talk about in my channel here, that specifically explained the type of food products because I actually use and leverage FBA for our canyon stack business, but not every product that we make is really a good fit for FDA. So you might want to check out those videos. I'll have some links down in the description below this video to show you which products and what types of products go well with Amazon.
If you're wanting to create and scale food business. Now, unfortunately, the category for this has to be ungated. So you need to be able to a legitimate business. You need to not be doing this from your home or from your closet or from the kitchen of your house. That is something that Amazon FBA for food businesses doesn't allow when you won't be able to do that because you've got to show licenses, also vendor receipts, you've got to show bills and a handful of other information when you get ungated. So it's a little bit of a process, but once you get ungated and you have a couple of products in their system, FBA can help you launch and scale a food business like me another next step, number three, private-labeled supplements. Yes, yes. Supplements have been something that has been increasing dramatically. Of course, since 2020, because of what has been going on.
And a lot of people are looking to supplements for immunity health and just overall health and wellbeing. But did you know that there are companies that actually can private label supplements for you? And this is something that's fantastic because a lot of them have very minimum, very small amounts for minimum ordering. So you don't have to stockpile 20, 30, 40, $50,000 worth of product. You can literally buy them in increments, sell them online, buy more and replenish. Now the Amazon FBA model can also come into play, with your supplements as well. You have to make sure of course, that you've got a private label company who can create these for you and handle the logistics. As far as shipping that private label, supplements to FBA for you, because you don't want to be bringing them home. And then reshipping them back out from your private label company.
But yes, there are private label supplement companies out there that aren't been growing their businesses very rapidly over the last year, year and a half, going into 2022 supplements are something that are not going to slow down anytime soon. Well, Damien is very, very competitive and that doesn't make any difference. The amount of competitiveness for the products that we've had for 12 years. I could sit here all day and tell you that it was a million people who make chocolate pretzels, but why do I sell nearly a hundred to a hundred thousand of them a year? Because I basically marketed. I make sure that I get all the social media and I market leverage social media for me to grow and expand the business. And by doing that, that is something that has allowed me to grow that type of product. And it has worked ever since.
So don't ever think to yourself that there is a specific market or type of product that's saturated online, online sales and e-commerce is growing dramatically. And it's not going to stop or slow down anytime soon. So next step number two, dropshipping tea and coffee. Yes. Believe it or not. Tea and coffee industry online through e-commerce has skyrocketed. I read a report last year that over 40% increase in e-commerce sales of tea and coffee over the year prior to now, the reason why a lot of these companies are beginning to sell even more teas is for therapeutic reasons, for some of the common reasons and some of the health benefits of teas. Now they come in nowadays, you've seen millions of them, some that have lavender and chamomile, some that relax you some that have caffeine to bring you up and give you energy.
There is a limitless amount of types of teas and coffees online, but did you know also that you can actually get a company to dropship them for you? Yes. Down below is the description. Again, I'll show you two more videos that I did specifically on dropshipping tea and coffee. You can literally create your own brand and have a company ship it and fulfill the orders for you. So drop shipping tea and coffee is something that doesn't cost a lot of money either. I actually created a website with a company. It costs me, I think it was $250 to get started with the website. They built it around, built it out, set it up on Shopify. And from there, it turned it over to me. And from that point, I allowed me to actually do the marketing end of it, do the social media end of it, and promoting the website and everything else on the back end for the product is shipped and sold and taken care of for me.
And I actually get the difference in the profit. So drop shipping tea and coffee is one that would be definitely something that's unique and very, very fast growing. As far as 2020 is concerned and going into 2022. Now, number one, concession food business. These are concession food products, things that you go to a local sporting event, a music event or community event, or even a church event. And you see people who pop up and have a little concession booth or even a cart, or even an outlet there at the local event. The minimum investment for these is very small. Why? Because the vast majority of the equipment for concession-style foods is number one very portable can either be rolled or even picked up because they're so small and lightweight. The investment for those pieces of equipment is literally hundreds of dollars, not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And it allows you to be mobile and you could be within a certain community and hit a whole bunch of events every other weekend, because now going into 2021 and then into 2022, a lot of local events are opening up outdoors. So outdoor events are going to be growing much more rapidly than indoor events that bring in you the concession food business entrepreneur, who can invest just a few hundred dollars. For instance, literally, as silly as that may sound popcorn is one of the most popular concession food planets that only costs literally about three to $400 for a unit to create popcorn, even including just the popcorn itself, the bags, the containers, and everything else you would need with it. You're looking at an investment of under $500 to create a business that generates profits of over 90%. So concession food businesses will be a huge endeavor coming into 2022.
A lot of people will be opening them and it's for you a minimal investment to dive into it as well. So those are five food business-related products and businesses that will be definitely booming in 2022. And of course, now entering near the end of 2021. A lot of these fall and winter events will be opening up and you definitely want to take advantage of that. So if you have any more questions about the five most profitable fruit businesses for 2022, let me know down below in the comments and I will get to them as soon as possible.?
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