Top 5 Features of the Attorney Jobs App
Zerega Consulting
We Specialize in the Legal Recruiting Industry [email protected]; 404.660.3414
There could come a time in your legal career where you are looking for a new job opportunity. Attorney’s time being both valuable and scarce, it can be difficult to find time to search for new opportunities. According to the ABA’s Profile of the Legal Profession 2021, “one-third of the lawyers surveyed (38%) said they often work long hours and another 9% said they ‘never stop working’.” The amount of time spent on billable hours, administrative tasks, and more leaves little time for conducting a proper job search.
Zerega Consulting launched the Attorney Jobs App knowing the value of an attorney’s time and our desire to streamline the job search process. This app is different from other job search sites or apps because it is exclusively for attorneys. Read more below to learn what sets it apart.
Top 5 Features of the Attorney Jobs App
1. Exclusivity & Confidentiality
To sign up for the attorney jobs app you need to be a licensed attorney. We verify this information by asking you to enter your bar number. We take confidentiality very seriously and no one else has access to your information without your permission. The legal industry is a competitive and closely connected community, so confidentiality is key. Our app allows you to browse active positions without pressure or commitment.
2. Thousands of Jobs
Not every position a law firm has open is posted on job sites. We aggregate multiple sources of data and upload it to the app. This gives you access to more jobs in a centralized space. Jobs are updated daily so you can be confident that the data is recent. Not sure if you are ready to take the leap but want to see what opportunities may be out there? The Attorney Jobs App is for you.
3. Search & Filter
Since the app is designed for attorneys, it offers selectable filters that traditional sites may not offer including title, practice area, or speciality. You can search for those terms or simply select the filter options you are looking for. Only those jobs with the selected requirements will be shown which allows you to quickly browse the positions you are most interested in.
4. Notifications
At any point after you sign up, you have the option to fill out a custom job preference profile. Once this is filled out and you've selected to receive notifications you will be notified when a job matches your search criteria. With the attorney market as hot as it currently is, the ability to capitalize on jobs as soon as they are available can make a big difference
5. Applied Jobs
As a recruiter, one of the things we may ask when talking to someone for the first time is, "What jobs have you already applied for?" A majority of people we speak to don’t know. Considering the sheer amount of attorney jobs available, it’s incredibly difficult to keep track of. We designed this app with that in mind. Once you submit your resume, that job listing gets moved into your applied jobs list which you can reference at any time. Once that job gets filled, it will then be removed from the list.
Whether you are currently looking for new opportunities, just want to browse or may need to look in the future, the attorney job search process can be incredibly overwhelming. There are many options and things to consider. Our goal for this app was to help make one part of the process a little easier.
The Attorney Jobs app is free to use and available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.