Top 5 Fastest growing programming languages
Top 5 Fastest growing programming languages
what is a programming language? The programming language is the one we can use to communicate with machines like computers, right. About 700 programming languages are there in the world. Unneeded to talk about the impact of the IT sector on this growing world. Almost every sector has been engrossed by computers and software. IT sector is expanding like lightning. In this enhancement application Development and programming are very obliging to upscale businesses and industries. Programming is the backbone behind these innovations, programming is an essential prerequisite for every province be it development or machine learning, or Artificial Intelligence or data science. After the pandemic, almost every company went online, which results in an increased database and development, this also needs programming. But have you ever wondered what is the fastest-growing languages among all, Let's see what are the most important and fastest-growing programming languages to date.
Dart is one of the most popular and fastest-growing programming languages developed by Google. The foremost, purpose of this language is to design a user interface that is (UI), or we can say constructing the way app looks to the user end. It is more similar to C hence provides faster executions than java. Dart is more popular among companies like eBay and Groupon.
According to research JavaScript become the most favored programming language as of now, the language is used by over 16.4 million developers across the world. Nearly 65% of the popularity of JavaScript has among developers. If someone is reading this blog from the full stack web developer community or back end development community then you already have known its importance and usage for development. Many top-rated companies like Microsoft, Google, Uber uses JavaScript for their development processes.
Rust is an open-source language, and most popular among over 65,000 developers. Why Rust is so popular? The reason is, Rust programming language was fabricated to answer complications and problems that exist in other languages. It is a multi-standard, general-use programming language aimed at high-end performance. Rust can give you error-safe and bug-free codes instead of garbage collection.
Whether you're an IT professional or an outsider I am sure, Python you have surely heard of. Python is one of the high favored languages, and witnessing huge growth in the IT domain. Python is also one of the most important programming languages for machine learning. It's easy to use application and simplified syntax makes it user-friendly, even beginners can code into it. Being easy and sorted faster programming execution can be seen in Python. With the magnificent library support, it is one of the most agile and adaptive languages among all. Python is been used as the primary language for backend development by many industries and startups.
HCL stands for HashiCorp Configuration Language. This is also one of the fastest-growing programming languages, introduced by HashiCorp. This tool allows developers and programmers to run reliable software running in the cloud.