Top 400 JavaScript Interview Questions (Part 1)
Thi?u Quang Khoa
?Performance Tuning at Wecommit Vi?t Name | Oracle Database | Software Engineering Major at FPT University | 7.0 IETLS?
No. Questions
1 What are the possible ways to create objects in JavaScript
2 What is a prototype chain
3 What is the difference between Call, Apply and Bind
4 What is JSON and its common operations
5 What is the purpose of the array slice method
6 What is the purpose of the array splice method
7 What is the difference between slice and splice
8 How do you compare Object and Map
9 What is the difference between == and === operators
10 What are lambda expressions or arrow functions
11 What is a first class function
12 What is a first order function
13 What is a higher order function
14 What is a unary function
15 What is the currying function
16 What is a pure function
17 What is the purpose of the let keyword
18 What is the difference between let and var
19 What is the reason to choose the name let as a keyword
20 How do you redeclare variables in a switch block without an error