The Top 4 Winning Sales Strategies
Chris Murray
Business Development Specialist | Bespoke Sales Team Training | Named in LinkedIn's Top 40 Global Sales Experts to Follow | Author | Keynote Speaker
Did you know that all board games fit into 1 of 4 categories?
They are either; Race, Chase, Space or Displace
And if you are involved in BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT or SALES in any capacity whatsoever, it really helps to understand all four - and the strategies you can borrow from them.
Because understanding these four game strategies is one of the best ways to focus yourself on a winning business strategy - and will ensure that you're always two steps ahead of your opponent - and regularly beating your competition.
So, if you're playing Snakes & Ladders, Trivial Pursuit or Ludo - then those are classed as RACE games - everyone sets off from similar position and the first one to finish wins, simple as that.
If you've decided to dig out your old Connect 4 or sketch a few lines to play Noughts & Crosses (Tic, Tac, Toe) - then you've decided to play what is classed as a SPACE game - filling the gaps in a particular sequence.
DISPLACE games include Chess, Chequers and Draughts (where you remove others for your own advantage), while CHASE is a much smaller group with games like Cluedo (Clue) where players act as the pursuer or the pursued.
Just to cover all the bases, there's also the odd game - like Backgammon - that can be more than one of the above. ??
But, when it comes to business development, the really important questions are these;
Which "SALES / GAME CATEGORY" are you and your team currently competing in with your competition?
Which one are you - or should You - be playing TO ENSURE YOU WIN?
Understanding the name of the game and the rules involved, can really help to clarify the actions that will lead you to success (and those that won't).
Trouble is, the working knowledge of these strategies is something that most Sales Managers and Sales Teams don't feel they have the time or can't muster the effort to work out.
So, if you want to take on the competition - or even knock them off the board completely - let me share a winning sales strategy for each individual category.
You are the first out of the traps - the market hasn't been touched - so you've got to grab as much as you can before the competition catch up.
The landscape here is a new undiscovered country, where you can just put your flags in the ground wherever it looks good - and do so without anyone getting in the way.
If you're there first and you're quick - and good at what you do (although not essential) - you are going to make a killing.
To play this games you'll need;
A brand new, innovative product, service or undiscovered market sector.
About this game
Essentially this is just a plain old fashioned LAND GRAB.
Be aware though, you're also working to a strict time limit - and as the time runs down, your options become fewer and fewer - and all the time with the competition breathing down your neck.
How to win
Take over as much as the board, as quickly as you can - because if you're leading this race someone is going to be chasing you REAL soon.
You've also got to work out who your perfect prospects are going to be - and then you don't deviate from converting those people into becoming your First Adopters.
They are the people who love you SO MUCH that they just have to work with you - and you work closely with them all until until they've started to create some kind of seismic business movement with testimonials, FOMO and a massive buzz around the sector.
For this you'll need a sales team of crazy carnivores -?people who really want to get out there and get that business for you.
But they have to know how to do that PROPERLY.
You want people who are able to professionally and morally (you really don't want to cock this up at Stage 1 with a bunch of muppets) show everyone what they're missing out on.
But on top of that, they have to be EVANGELISTS for your product or service, they have to truly understand the NEED in the market place - recognise those who HAVE THAT NEED and then convert them into believers, evangelists and followers too.
After converting LEVEL ONE - you will need to discover the keys to the doors of levels two, three, four and five - but you'll have to do it in the correct order - miss any levels out and the "CHASERS" will grab fertile and prosperous space while you try and hack through hard rock to plant your crops.
This is where someone got to market long before you did or you were a little late recognising a gap in the market and the competition beat you to it.
To play this games you'll need;
An understanding of the current size of the market, together with the market share that your nearest competitor has a hold of, and a sales team of big cats who are up for a gruelling "keep chasing the antelope until it falls over with exhaustion" kind of marathon.
But this time the antelope we are chasing is the competition - the people who got here first - but they are not going to deny us tonight's dinner, because we are hungry and we will take this meal off them and then we will be waiting at the next watering hole before they even arrive.
About this game
You'll need a whole bag full of strategy and tenacity. Your competition will see you coming in the rear view mirror - at first they won't take you seriously and continue at their own speed because they're so far ahead. But when you're breathing down their neck they'll start throwing BIG money and resources at their customer base just to keep you at arms length.
How to win
Gain a better understanding of how the customers REALLY BENEFIT from buying the product or service, get to the coal face and meet them regularly - and then talk solely about how yours does whatever it does better than anyone else.
Also, be nimble and light on your feet - when your competition fall over themselves with bureaucracy and politics - pull the rug from underneath them and take the prize.
There is only enough shelf space for certain products - but some of those spots haven't been filled yet.
You need to get those listings before anyone else does, strategically working out the best spots and then filling them.
To play this games you'll need;
A short list - and I mean a short list - of highly desirable, target customers.
About this game
Strategy is important - but so is stealth. if the competition see you looking at the strategically important square that you're trying to put your mark on, then don't be surprised if they muster all their energy to try and fill it first.
How to win
Work with partners who you can trust and only announce your plans to the outside world once everything is already up and running.
You're NOT a top 3 brand - but you want to be a top 3 brand.
If that's going to happen someone has to be removed from the podium - and replaced by you.
To play this game you'll need;
An in-depth knowledge of the market place, the share that all your competitors currently hold of that market place (to the penny), and the help of all the internal departments within your business to deliver your plan.
About this game
You'll need a three pronged attack strategy that involves sales, marketing and logistics. Your competition's position needs to be viewed as a medieval castle that needs to be taken by your forces.
Yes they hold the high ground and are well protected - but their lofty position has probably made them arrogant - and almost certainly unfit for a real battle.
How to win
You've got to play the well planned out, long game - nothing reactive - have everything that you are going to do firmly set out in stone and make sure everyone on your side knows what's coming next.
Take a good look at your competition's weak spots, set up all your players and pieces exactly where you want them - and then knock the competition off the board.
Love to hear what strategy your team are currently playing in the comments below
To your success
PS:?If you're finding it hard right now to get the attention of?the people you need to speak to - and even harder to get that elusive face-to-face meeting so that you can?show them how you can help - then what you need is?a step-by-step road map?to get you from where you are now to where you want to be - as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
If you need to uncover and convert new opportunities and brand-new customers, while keeping and growing the business you already have,?then I have something that will empower you to do all of the above.
Take a look at the content at this link for my upcoming?2 Day Business Development Masterclasses
If you want the tools, strategies, tip and techniques that will enable you to discover new opportunities - convert those opportunities into worthwhile meetings – and then turn every genuine prospect into a living, breathing paying customer - then this is the set of workshops you REALLY need to get yourself on.
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1 年A great analogy of sales Chris Murray with board/games. The game of RISK came to mind. Did you ever play that? Maybe it just falls into the category of war.