- What are Python's key features?
- What is the difference between is and ==?
- How is Python interpreted?
- Explain Python's memory management.
- What are Python's data types?
- What are Python’s immutable and mutable data types?
- How does Python handle type conversion?
- What are *args and **kwargs?
- What is Python's GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)?
- What is a lambda function?
- Explain list comprehension with an example.
- What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
- How do you manage exceptions in Python?
- What is the difference between deepcopy and shallowcopy?
- What are Python decorators, and how do they work?
- What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod?
- What is the purpose of Python's with statement?
- What are Python’s generators and how do you create them?
- Explain Python's map(), filter(), and reduce() functions.
- What is a Python module? How is it different from a package?
- What are metaclasses in Python?
- Explain Python’s __init__ and __new__ methods.
- What is monkey patching in Python?
- How does Python handle memory leaks?
- What is the difference between str() and repr()?
- What is the difference between Python 2.x and 3.x?
- Explain how multithreading works in Python.
- What are coroutines in Python?
- How is data serialization handled in Python?
- Explain the use of async and await in Python.
- Reverse a string in Python without using slicing.
- Find the first non-repeating character in a string.
- Write a function to check if two strings are anagrams.
- Implement a Python script to find the largest element in an array.