Top 3 Reasons why you Should Start Investing Today!

Top 3 Reasons why you Should Start Investing Today!

You reap what you sow, a phrase we have been familiar with for years. Credited to Benjamin Franklin, the statement, "Your money makes money. And then you make more money on the money your money makes.” defines the exact reason why one should be investing. To sow the seeds of investing today and reap the benefits of growth in your funds.

The reasons for investing are infinite and overwhelmingly positive, but we will stick with the top 3 to help nudge you in the right direction.

  • Compound Interest
  • Let’s say you invest ?1,000 this year and you get a 10% return on your investment. This means you earned ?100 on your original ?1,000 investment, and at the end of the year, you are left with ?1,100. Even if you don't wish to put in any more money from your pocket, you still earned. How do you ask? On those ?1,100, you will now make ?110, which means, now you have ?1,210 on your plate thanks to the compound interest. That is how you invest money one time and get chain returns.
  • Sharpen your Skills
  • Work smarter and not harder when you invest early in life, cause as they say “Rome was not Built in a Day” and neither will your wealth. The earlier you start, the better opportunities you will find to help grow your funds year after year. But this would require knowledge and experience and the ability to make the right decisions at the right time. And there is where your skills come into play
  • For the Unforeseen Future
  • Inflation is not hidden from anybody and neither are natural calamities or medical emergencies. But they happen, being prepared is key. Lack of funds should not and cannot be the reason why we were not able to take the right steps to secure our and the future of our loved ones. And the best way to do it is by making sure that you are letting your income passively grow,

Investing is crucial and the earlier one realises it, the better it is. The inertia of not taking the first step should not make you take a decision that does not benefit you.

In the end, take the dive, even if in the shallow end and connect to a moolaah expert today to guide you through the treacherous terrain of the investment world with ease and no worries.

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