Top 3 places to study in Rochester, MN
Realty Growth
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Realty Growth Inc. leasing agent Cassidy Le admits she’s a bit strange.
When it comes to her favorite places to study, Le trends toward certain introverted locations, picking her bed and her car as two go-to study spots. She’s studying to get her real estate license and cherishes the alone time. Not the quiet, however. Don’t get her wrong. She hates the quiet.
“I’ll turn on a movie in the background or put on music,” she said of studying at home. “I don’t care for it to be silent all the time. I like to get that comfort of noise.”
At home, you’ll typically find Cassidy curled up in bed when she’s hitting the books. She props up on pillows to get comfy, versus using her desk. “Even though I have one!” she said.
Her other reclusive study spot is her car. With three jobs and getting her real estate license, Cassidy often finds herself with odd bits of time between engagements, and it’s then that she chooses to study. “I’m always on the go, and basically live out of my car,” she said.
These two study spots — bed and car — also help Cassidy keep expenses down, she said.
Her number one favorite study spot, however, is out at 507 Public House, where she bellies up to the bar in her favorite corner spot and orders a Dr. Pepper and some comfort food.
“I go there quite a bit,” she said. “I’ve made good connections with everyone there, and it’s nice to have some comfort food while you’re studying. I like noise while I study. I cannot handle it when it’s silent, so I tend to go there quite a bit. It’s a little different for studying but I like it.”
Cassidy Le, leasing agent at Realty Growth Inc., yearns to study alone, but not quietly.
Though two of her favorite study spots are in her bed and car, Le craves noise so she tends to put on a movie in the background, or music, to fill the void when she’s studying solo.
Her fave public study spot in Rochester is 507 Public House. There she bellies up to the bar, orders a Dr. Pepper and some comfort food and dives into her books.
“It’s a little different for studying but I like it,” Cassidy said.