Ghana approves University of Oxford's malaria vaccine ahead of key WHO review
- Ghana is officially the first country to approve the University of Oxford’s malaria vaccine, marking a major win for the program after decades of research.
- The African country's drug regulator approved the vaccine before its review could be completed with the World Health Organization (WHO). The shot, known as the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine, achieved 77% efficacy over 12 months of follow-up in a phase 2b trial. Those results made it the first malaria vaccine to meet the WHO’s 75% target for malaria vaccine efficacy.
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The Top 20 pharma companies by 2022 revenue
- For the first time in biopharma history, a company has topped the $100 billion mark in annual revenue. Pfizer passed that milestone, propelled by its massive haul from its COVID-19 products. Its BioNTech-partnered vaccine, Comirnaty, raked in $37.8 billion, and oral antiviral Paxlovid made $18.9 billion.
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Global Market Outlook For Cancer Biological Therapies
- According to the World Health Organization, in 2020 cancer was responsible for nearly 10 million deaths, with breast, colon, lung, rectum, and prostate cancers among the most prevalent types. Based on this trend, the National Cancer Institute estimates that the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 29.5 million by 2040, while the number of cancer-related deaths will be close to 16.4 million.
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