Top 3 Leadership & Mindset lessons from Roger Federer 20 Grand Slam Winner #RF20
RF's Winning Trophy and Emotional heartfelt moment,

Top 3 Leadership & Mindset lessons from Roger Federer 20 Grand Slam Winner #RF20

What an epic match we got to see at Australian Open final yesterday!

Each one of us are the leaders of our own experience and journey in business, career and life. Being passionate about mindset strategies and helping others on self leadership journey, let’s unpack top 3 leadership and mindset lessons from #RF20.

It was heart touching to watch historical moment yesterday over TV at Australian Open Men Single final match. Roger became first men tennis player to win 20 Grand slams after Steffi graff. Did you notice AO had faith in RF winning this championship and 20th Grand slam? They already had prepared memento mentioning AO 20 with RF logo which was presented off the ground while RF was walking on the way to 7 studio. This is stunning acknowledgement of faith in Roger Federer.

Leadership experience goes to another level when the people around you have more faith in you than may be yourself because of how are you as a person on the ground and off the ground with others.

  1. Composure - Roger’s tennis and he being so candid, smiling and playful on the ground is attractive. He is a role model for aspiring tennis players as well as non player audience. He was composed when he was gaining and loosing points too as backing up himself, managing his state so well where the focus was on the long term goal of winning grand slam. Loosing a point against Cilic did put him on the pressure though. Cilic was doing his best backing himself, attacking and challenging returns. Roger mentioned that they both had practised in Maldives coincidentally in preparation for AO in order to prepare body to play in humid environment. Being leaders, are you proactively preparing yourself in similar environment which you may face? Body preparation in simulated or similar environment is equally important for every play to maintain the composure. Composure is an attitude to master through the physical, mental and emotional challenges. Being a leader, do you panic or able to back yourself and maintain the composure while keeping focus on your long term goal (it’s a conscious journey of gaining composure and unconscious mastery)?
  2. Self Talk - I want to highlight ‘share by RF’ final interview at 7 studio, he was sharing moments of self talk. During fourth set, RF said to himself that don’t mess at this stage and he did mess loosing 4th set to Cilic 6 - 3. Self talk may guide you to the win or may take you off track because mind does not understand negated words DON’T or DO NOT. Be careful of the words you choose - are you more self talking about don’t sentences or do talk affirmative sentences? Being leader, do you notice how are you championing yourself and others during good and challenging times?
  3. Humility & Vulnerability - As soon as Roger won the final set, I noticed that he had hands up however he took couple of moments to sit down and acknowledged what just happened. Being leader, are you taking time out to acknowledge moments, to process what does it mean for you and allowing your emotions to reflect and share it with people around you? Roger’s humility is infectious to show the way he is(enthusiastic, fun loving, engaging, creative, caring, giving), acknowledged and expressed gratitude towards the contribution of family, teams, even opponents’ team, volunteers, sponsors, AO committee and many others. As the speech was progressing, Roger’s voice started getting choked. When he expressed gratitude for the love of his fans, tears flowed from his eyes. He was ok being vulnerable. How open are you to be vulnerable?

Roger is touched by the blessings, love and respect from fans. Rod Laver captured this iconic blissful moment to cherish forever.

Trust you found your lesson be it leadership or mindset. Like, write what appealed to you in comment and share the lessons in your network.

'Be Daring and Be an Inspiration'

Kshama Upadhyay


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