Top 3 influencer on Energy Central

I am one of the 3 members of Energy Central (an American energy portal) who have achieved the highest reputation scores, determined by participation in the Energy Central Community, one of the most important in the United States.

This participation includes published articles and discussions on energy on a variety of themes that are relevant for the Community.I share this fact to cordially thank the public who honor me by reading the posts, encouraging me to give my opinion on important issues in the energy area and also watching the videos that I frequently publish.


Rafael Herzberg的更多文章

  • Generalized fights

    Generalized fights

    The popular saying "in a house where there is no bread, everyone fights and no one is right" reflects - in my opinion -…

  • Brigas generalizadas

    Brigas generalizadas

    O ditado popular "em casa onde falta p?o todos brigam e ninguém tem raz?o" reflete - a meu ver - a triste realidade dos…

  • Energy in Brazil: inconsistencies

    Energy in Brazil: inconsistencies

    The CCEE (Electric Energy Brazilian Power Clearinghouse) has published spot prices for the Southeast-Central-West and…

  • Energia: incoerencias

    Energia: incoerencias

    A CCEE (Camara de Comercializa??o de Energia Elétrica) tem publicado PLDs para regi?o sudeste-centroeste e sul acima de…

  • Energy: hidden costs (Brazil)

    Energy: hidden costs (Brazil)

    A situation that I have observed frequently is the unplanned interruption of the supply of electricity to companies and…

  • Energia: custo oculto

    Energia: custo oculto

    Uma situa??o que tenho observado com recorrência é a interrup??o n?o planejada do fornecimento de energia elétrica…

  • Energy: do you have a story to tell?

    Energy: do you have a story to tell?

    It's a great way to show what worked and thus gain respect from an audience qualified in the energy field. It's also an…

  • Energia: voce tem um caso para contar?

    Energia: voce tem um caso para contar?

    é uma ótima maneira de você mostrar o que deu certo e assim conquistar o respeito perante uma audiência qualificada em…

  • Energy: are you a winner?

    Energy: are you a winner?

    The energy bill is usually in the Top 10 of the list of costs for companies and institutions. And, in selected…

  • Energia: perfil dos vencedores

    Energia: perfil dos vencedores

    A conta de energia é, geralmente, Top 10 na lista de custos de empresas e institui??es. E, em selecionados segmentos…

