The Top 3 Communication Skills of Impressive Leaders
by Bill Rosenthal, CEO, Communispond

The Top 3 Communication Skills of Impressive Leaders

Communication is not only an essential life skill, but is also one of the earliest survival skills that humans learn. As we grow up and learn how to be a functioning member of society, the need for effective communication skills grows in importance and increases in complexity. This is especially true for those in leadership roles.

No matter the company or team you lead, you are going to be working with all different kinds of people. Between clients, employees, team members, and other professionals, there are a lot of different communication styles and personalities that every leader must learn to work with.?

With countless audiences and mediums through which you are to deliver your messages, it is easy for your #communicationskills to turn into a disorganized mess. Here are the top three communication skills that the most impressive leaders always practice:

1. They create trust with their audience through consistency.

Trust is key in good communication, so your audience must be able to rely on you to respond consistently in your frequency and overall tone. Whether communicating via email, in-person, or giving a presentation, you audience should not be thrown off guard by your sudden formality after laid-back correspondence elsewhere. Consistency in tone helps to reinforce trust. The best communicators also make it a point not to “ghost” their audience and ensure that they keep the lines of communication open and dependable.

2. They focus on creating a helpful mindset with their audience.

One of the best ways to demonstrate that you are there to help your employees or audience is to offer help and then follow through. Simply ending every conversation with a question of, “how can I help you moving forward?” or “What else can I do?” will help create opportunities for further connections and build a lasting relationship. A good leader and communicator forgoes his or her egos and focuses on the individual from a perspective that is focused on finding a solution. This helps to foster a more team-based collaborative effort throughout the office.

3. They are authentic.

Respected leaders and good communicators are not inauthentic when speaking to their audience or trying to impress others. When you are genuine in your thoughts and actions, your audience can tell and will be more inclined to trust you. Inauthentic efforts typically put people off all together.

Whether you are communicating in an email, on a stage, or face-to-face, it is of the utmost importance that you remember what you say and how you say it really matters. At Communispond, we firmly believe that when you have a strong leader, you have a strong company. With this in mind, we designed our?Coaching Communication Skills??training to develop a leader’s understanding of the impact of their management styles on team performance and help them more effectively communicate in the workplace. For more information on our?Coaching Communication Skills??training,?contact us?today.



