Top 3 Common Defects While Inspecting Pre-Construction Condos:

Top 3 Common Defects While Inspecting Pre-Construction Condos:

Today I will review three of the most common defects I have frequently seen when inspecting pre-construction condos. These aren't the worst defects: they are usually repaired quite easily, but they are the most common.

Defects in your condo: When you buy a condo or new home, you have a few opportunities to inspect the unit and make sure it is free of defects. Here are 3 of the most common defects that I point out to my clients. 

 So, what are they?

1. Cracks/unfinished parts of the ceiling.

I have yet to be in a new home or condo that doesn't have some sort of defect where the wall meets the ceiling. Make sure you look in bright lighting to inspect these areas. 

I have even seen areas in the drywall that have been taped and not sanded and painted. Since developers use white chalky paint, you may not be able to see these spots unless you look very closely and use a light. Bring a licensed home inspector with you.

2. Room medians.

A room median is the dividing point between your rooms (where the door is). The space is divided with a piece of wood, metal, or stone. 

For some reason, developers do a terrible job on room medians. When you are inspecting the condo, take the time to "jiggle" each median to make sure it is solid and well installed.

3. Closet and door tracks.

These are my personal favourites. The first step is to see if the tracks are evenly spaced with the hardwood floors and parallel to the wall. There is nothing worse than a room divider or closet door that is crooked.

The second step is to make sure the door easily glides in both directions. To inspect: push both doors all the way to one side of the track, and then all the way to the other side of the track. Make sure both sides and both doors are solidly planted.

Make sure you get what you pay for.

The key of this is making sure that you get exactly what you pay for. You are buying a condo or new home, you deserve to have it just right before you move in.

If you have worked with me in the past and need help, or are looking for some general advice and have any real estate questions at all, feel free to contact me any time at 416-988-0042 or via email: [email protected].

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Your very best,

SANDY SOLD (Sandra Soldera)


