The Top 20 things Trump Never Said That The P Stooges (definition included) Repeat Ad Nauseam...
The first 10 items were statements that he never said during his first campaign during 2015 and 2016. ?I wrote the original article in October of 2016. ?Items 10 -20 were and still are examples of 10 additional things Donald J. Trump DID NOT say between Jan. of 2017 and August of 2024. ?Of course, there are dozens and possibly hundreds of OTHER words he did not use or phrases he did not say Perpetuated and repeated ad nauseum by all the *P Stooges.? However, in the interest of saving space, these are just the most obvious lies that the P Stooges said he said that he didn't say.
First, the definition of a “P Stooge”
P Stooges are comprised of semi-Professional congressional Partisan hacks espousing lies Perpetuated by semi-Professional Pundits, Pontificators, and Prognosticators of the media. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?? It doesn’t matter.? It only matters that the lie was not only uttered the first time, but repeated by multiple P Stooges every day, twice on Sundays, and during the Democrats’ 2024 Convention.? Veteran long time Professional P Stooge Joe Biden repeated most of them yet AGAIN during his Democrat Convention curtain call that aired so late that half the P Stooges in the Eastern time zone never heard Joe Biden’s final Presentation as the door hit him in the ass on the way out of his next to last exit. That one will FINALLY take place in Jan. of 2025 when Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office again.
In October of 2016, I wrote the following.?
Illegal aliens are like bad cavities; eliminate the sugar and we will significantly reduce the proliferation of illegal entry into the United States. The sugar for illegal aliens is either illegal employment OR the illegal transport, entry, distribution and sale of illegal drugs OR Human Trafficking.? ?Block 100% of the entry of illegal drugs and human (underage FEMALES folks) AND eliminate 100% of illegal employment opportunities perpetuated in the United States of America and 90% of the illegal aliens in this country will leave at their own chosen speed.
Since I don’t need to be politically correct here, *I will recommend to Trump and his new Attorney General that they “encourage” the remaining 10% to leave or they will be treated like an abscessed tooth and pulled.
Less than a month after I wrote the article, I don’t suffer under some grand delusion that almost 63 million American voters read my article and then voted Trump into office.? Instead, they came to the same conclusion most Republicans came to and recognized that compared to Hillary Clinton, they would rather vote for someone that earned his 3 billion the hard way, NOT the way Bill and Hillary earned their millions. Republicans figured that compared to 8 years of Bill Clinton and 8 years of Obama, the country had no where to go but up
??In 2020, Trump actually INCREASED his popular vote by almost 12 million votes.? Yet somehow, completely implausibly and “miraculously” for the Democratic Party, slow walkin, slow talkin, slow thinkin Joe Biden, who had been rejected for the highest office in the land in 1984, 1988, and 2008 somehow garnered 81,283,501 million votes, despite the fact that he spent most of 2019 and 2020 campaigning from his basement.? Puuuulleeeese!?
I’m from the show me state of Missouri.? Figures don’t lie and liars don’t want mere mortals to figure.? I didn’t believe Joe Biden won almost 7 million MORE votes than Hillary and Bill Clinton did in 2016 and I don’t believe it now either.? I still believe he received a little help from his friends in the Swing states because, why on earth would they change their minds about what Trump DID from Jan. of 2017- and Jan. of 2021, NOT based on what some P Stooges said he SAID that he didn’t say.
Following is a partial list of what Trump didn’t say between most of 2015 and most of 2024.
1.???? Trump never said that ALL Mexicans were rapists, murderers and thieves. He only said that SOME Mexicans have broken those laws and others have only broken one law; entering the country illegally.
?2.??? Trump never said that ALL Muslims are terrorists. He only said that SOME Muslims are certifiably terrorists and when we figure out which ones those are, those are the ones we SHOULD have been banned from entering the country.
?3.??? President Trump never said he was anti-immigration. ?He said he was anti-illegal immigration. Homework assignment for the P Stooges: Look up the definition of “illegal”.
?4.??? Trump never said I know Putin, I like Putin; Putin is a friend of mine. Trump only said that he and Putin shared one common goal at THAT time; defeating and destroying ISIS. All other matters between America and Russia are subject to negotiation and Trump seems to be pretty good at negotiating.
?5.??? Trump never said that ALL women are fat, ugly and piggy. He only acknowledged that a certain woman was fat, ugly and piggy. The only reason that he has also never acknowledged that SOME men are fat, ugly and piggy is because the P Stooges are too stupid to ask him that question.
?6.??? Trump never said that Hillary Clinton was a nasty WOMAN. Wishing to be politically correct and gender neutral for the first time during his campaign, Trump only said that she was a nasty PERSON. Then the media decided that they were not comfortable with him being politically correct, so they reported that he said she was a nasty WOMAN so that they could label him as sexist.
?7.??? Trump never said that ALL Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, Muslims and foreign-born taxi drivers already in America should be rounded up and sent home. ?He only said that illegal murderers, rapists, drug pushers, gang bangers, gypsies, tramps and thieves (thanks Cher) should be sent home first. However, all the super-rich Hollywood and Broadway celebrities, athletes that Promised us they would un-ass the country if Trump was elected in 2016, are encouraged to leave at their own chosen speed when he is re-elected in November of this year. ?If they would simply live in any other country for a year (like I once did) they just might have a better appreciation of just how VERY fortunate undereducated, but rich and famous West Coast and East Coast "elites” are that they live and spout their drivel in THIS country.
?8.??? Trump never said that ALL Americans should be “licensed to carry”. He only said that the 2nd Amendment authorizes Americans to carry under current state-by-state licensing provisions until or unless they abuse that right. ?By definition, an illegal alien is NOT an American, is NOT licensed, and has NOT complied with American laws.? Come to think of it, neither are the overwhelming majority of terrorists, rapists, drug pushers, gang bangers, gypsies, tramps and thieves. However, those that ARE licensed to carry, are the very law-abiding citizens that you want by your side when an illegally procured lethal weapon is in the hand of a terrorist, rapist, drug pusher, gang banger, gypsy, tramp or thief and you or a loved one is threatened with physical harm by the Unlicensed to carry.?
?9.??? Trump never said that ALL Muslims in the country should depart at their own chosen speed. (thank you Turtles). He only said that ALL Islamic Jihadist terrorists currently in this country should depart at their own chosen speed or they MAY be provided with a permanent residence within a plot of American soil to be named later. ?Others MAY be provided free room and board at a Gitmo like resort.
?10. Trump never said that ALL members of NATO had taken advantage of America’s universal good will and generosity. ?However, TRUMP did point out quite accurately that SOME post WW II countries had perhaps lost a measure of respect for our largess. Therefore, the reality of 21st Century economics requires that ALL NATO allies pay their fair share instead of just a few countries including the United States of America year after year and decade after decade.
?11.? President Trump never said: ?“I admire Kim One Hung Low’s leadership of North Korea”?? However, Trump did decide that the best way to deal with the little sawed off ego-maniac was to treat him like a universally renowned diplomat; talk softly but carry a big stick ?(thank you Teddy Roosevelt) during all negotiations with dictators of other countries.? Guess what? Just look at what Russia, Iran, China AND North Korea did NOT do during the four years Trump was our President.? Folks, the proof is in the pudding.? It turns out that Trump was proven RIGHT about that too.
?12. President Trump never said that he wanted to terminate trade agreements with Mexico, Canada or for that matter most other countries in the world including communist countries.? He DID say that most of our existing trade agreements needed to be re-negotiated due to most of them being remarkably one-sided in favor of our competitors.? One obvious example of President Trump having been right about that too is a comparison of the old fatally flawed NAFTA agreement verses the new significantly improved USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement). USMCA is a universally beneficial win for North American workers, farmers, ranchers, businesses, the auto industry and believe it or not…most UNIONS.
?13. Ok I will admit it; President Trump said he liked China’s President Xi personally. However, this is one of the best examples of how over the past 8 years the P Stooges have hung on every word that Trump has tweeted, uttered or stuttered as they have made every attempt imaginable to make hay out of something they have contorted into a false narrative.? For example, even before China released the Coronavirus on the world, President Trump had already introduced massive tariffs on China to FORCE President Xi to renegotiate virtually all of our previously lopsided trade agreements with China.? Result?? Economically we have been clobbering them ever since Trump ordered the tariffs.? Now, get this, when Joe Biden still thought he was a shoe in to be his party’s nominee again, he actually said he wanted to eliminate the tariffs entirely!? One wonders of the smartest man Joe Biden has ever known (Hunter Biden) exercised some not-so-subtle arm twisting regarding this boneheaded (read that drug addled) response to a bribe?
?14. Donald. J. Trump has been a famous man since he cleaned up downtown Manhattan; figuratively years ago and then was the lead honcho of The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice.? In political and celebrity circles, he had been famous for literally, decades. During most of those decades, he was far better known than Barack Obama or Joe Biden. During all those years, I never heard a P Stooge, or any famous Democrat for that matter, call Trump a racist. Yet, when President Trump recognized the eminent danger of the Coronavirus and then early on, despite Protestations from the P Stooges, had the almost unilateral insight to restrict all travel from China, the P Stooges called him a racist yet again!
?15. Donald J. Trump never said that Nancy Pelosi looks and acts like the Wicked Witch of the West.? I’m saying that because she looks and acts like the Wicked Witch of the West.? Since I am a civilian, and I can write it, tweet it, and post it ad nauseam until I too qualify to become a P Stooge.
?16. During his entire four years in office, Trump never said that all Black Lives Don’t Matter anymore than he would say all White Lives Don’t Matter.? Once again, this was an invention of the P Stooges in order to paint President Trump as a racist. ?You want proof that Donald J. Trump has never been a racist or a sexist or somehow behaved in an un-American or unpatriotic way??? Go into Wikipedia and look up all the contestants during the 14 seasons of both versions of The Apprentice.? Also look at the winners.? You couldn’t find a more diverse group of Americans unless you sat in the front row of this year’s Enema Awards, because the people that run the Networks have taken DEI to a whole new level. ?In order to star or appear in the Network television series these days, you have to either be a person of color, obviously any race that isn’t Caucasian, a female, or the Hollywood equivalent of Pete’s Butt is Gay.? Sometimes official DEI reps of each major category illogically all live in the same household!
?17. President Trump has NEVER professed support for ANTIFA or any other white supremacist organization.? As a matter of fact, during his Administration, President Trump declared ANTIFA to be a terrorist organization, but the P Stooges insist on spreading the lie that he supports Antifa!?
?18. After the storming of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021, the P Stooges decided this was a golden opportunity to impeach Trump again.? However, has ANY card carrying member of the P Stooges in this country heard or at least read what Trump actually said that day?? On that day, he actually said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”. This President has been a staunch law and order patriot for literally DECADES.? Now, just how often have almost 100% of the P Stooges in this country REPEATED (Ad Nauseam) the lie that Trump encouraged, conspired or coerced the mob to break into the United States Capitol by force?
?19. ?10 Republicans voted to impeach Trump along with every Democrat in the known Universe.? Want to know what that proves? ?It proves that at least 10 Republican Congressional leaders are just as gullible as the average garden variety Democrat in every Sanctuary City in the United States of America. ?
?20. ??Inner city voters, decade after decade and year after year, keep electing Democrats to run our country, states and cities despite adverse impact on their well-being every time they do. ?In November of 2024, you don’t have to accept ANYTHING a P Stooge said the Donald J. Trump SAID, instead, simply look at what he DID and draw your own conclusions.