- What is HTML?
- What are the new features in HTML5 compared to HTML4?
- What are the different types of HTML elements?
- What is the difference between block-level and inline elements in HTML?
- What is the purpose of the <!DOCTYPE> declaration?
- What is the role of semantic elements in HTML5?
- What are the meta tags? Name some commonly used meta tags.
- Explain the difference between <div> and <span> elements.
- What are HTML entities? Give some examples.
- How do you include CSS and JavaScript in an HTML document?
- What is the purpose of the alt attribute in <img> elements?
- What are the different types of lists in HTML? How do you create them?
- What is the purpose of the href attribute in <a> elements?
- Explain the difference between GET and POST methods in HTML forms.
- What is the purpose of the <table> element in HTML? How do you create a table?
- What is the difference between <header>, <footer>, <section>, and <article> in HTML5?
- How do you create a hyperlink in HTML?
- What are HTML forms? Name some commonly used form elements.
- Explain the difference between <strong> and <b>, and <em> and <i> in HTML.
- How do you create a comment in HTML?
These questions cover a range of topics and should give you a good starting point for preparing for an HTML interview.