Top 20 Desk & Office Gadgets From the Pros in 2020
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Laura has over 20 years of experience in human resources and has served as the HR director in Fortune 100 companies. Her expertise is featured across Fit Small Business in project management, recruiting, HR operations, and other HR content.
To maintain office productivity and a competitive edge, small businesses often invest in must-have new technology and top-rated office equipment. The good news is that you can get many of the top office gadgets without breaking the bank. We asked peers and experts to share their favorite new desk gadgets. See our top picks below.
Here are the top 35 office gadgets and desk tech must-have items for 2020
1. AirBar
Brenda Manea, Senior Account Executive, BAM Communications
AirBar is a sleek, lightweight device that turns your regular laptop into a touchscreen instantly. Attach the bar to the bottom of your laptop display via magnets, plug in via universal serial bus (USB), and use anything from a paintbrush to a gloved finger to interact with your screen. It is compatible for both Windows 10 laptops and Macs. Small businesses can invest in an AirBar to use on laptops to improve interactivity in video conferences, meetings, and client presentations.
2. Branded Wireless Phone Charger
Troyauna Williams-Boyd, Fit Small Business
With a wireless phone charger, you’ll have the freedom to charge your phone wherever you are — without being bound to an outlet or USB port. All you have to do is place your smartphone on top of the charger and watch the magic happen. When you order it through Anypromo, you can even customize it with your company’s logo or brand and it can double as office swag.
3. Flippable Platform Electric Standing Desk
Cindy Fitterlab, Manager, Fitfit Health
The gadget I love to use is the flippable platform electric standing desk. It allows me to switch between standing and sitting easily when I’m working. Oversitting has caused me to develop back pain that went away after I got a standing desk and started standing at work. It also cures food coma and keeps me productive even after a heavy lunch. I find the standing desk to be indispensable. I can no longer go back to sitting all day at work.
4. Label Writers
Virginia Mayo, Public Relations, Newell Brands
Small businesses trust their label workload to the DYMO LabelWriter 4XL―a fast, cost-effective label printing solution. This wide-format label printer accommodates the entire line of DYMO LabelWriter labels for maximum flexibility and is compatible with a variety of popular online selling platforms and shipping carriers. You can use this nifty office gadget to print shipping labels, warehouse labels, barcode and identification labels, bulk mailing labels, custom labels, and more.
5. BrightLink Pro Interactive Displays
Remi Del Mar, Product Manager, Epson America, Inc.
Epson’s interactive BrightLink Pro platform provides an innovative solution to optimize productivity in today’s modern meeting rooms. It is a projector designed for an interactive display that can link and share information from multiple sources in the form of a digital whiteboard, video conferencing display, or giant tablet when connected to your computer.
6. USB 3.0 Docking Station
Stephen Roome, Channel Manager, TRENDnet
The Universal USB 3.0 Docking Station makes connecting my laptop to my office work station a breeze. I only need one cable to connect everything to my laptop. I connect my two monitors, keyboard, mouse, headphones, network access, and some other stuff to the docking station, and then I connect my laptop to the docking station. I don’t have to deal with a bunch of wires, plus I don’t have enough ports on my laptop to connect all the devices I need at work.
7. Anker PowerCore Power Bank
Amy Smith, Editor, Fit Small Business
My favorite tech gadget is the Anker PowerCore power bank. Most of the time, I work from my home office. However, occasionally, I like to take advantage of my remote position by working at the beach or coffeehouse. There isn’t always an available outlet and, when my iPhone or iPad start to lose their charge, I can plug them into my power bank. It’s a quick way to get my batteries back up and running so I can keep working and drinking better coffee than I have at home.
8. Wall-mounted TV Dashboard
Jonathan Taylor, Senior Marketing Manager, Klipfolio
Get your office into shape with a wall-mounted TV dashboard. Display your business performance to the entire office by combining a web dashboard tool with a casting device like AirTame, Rise Vision, or Chromecast. It looks cool, and it’s an innovation that promotes a culture of data transparency.
9. Smart Postage Meter
Mark Shearer, President & Executive Vice President, Global SMB Solutions, Pitney Bowes
The SendPro C-Series is the next generation office sending solution. It is a digital multicarrier platform that enables offices of all sizes to easily select the ideal sending option for every parcel, letter, and flat package they send, while also providing full tracking and delivering savings across carriers and up to 39% off USPS retail shipping rates. Businesses can now securely access package shipping, mailing services and related applications from a laptop, mobile device, or integrated Android tablet. There is nothing else on the market right now that marries shipping and mailing into a digitally connected sending device.
10. Earbuds
Jason Aten, Staff Writer, Fit Small Business
My favorite desk gadget is a good pair of headphones or earbuds. I’m a big fan of the Apple AirPods because of how simply they connect to and switch between devices like my iPhone or MacBook Pro. They sound great and because they aren’t noise canceling―they let in enough outside sound to keep engaged with my surroundings.
They’re also ideal for quickly making phone calls either from my iPhone or VoIP software on my computer. The fact that I can pop them in their charging case and fit them in a pocket to take anywhere easily is a nice bonus. In fact, using AnyPromo, you can order earbuds for your team branded with your company logo.
11. Hardware Encrypted HDDs and SSDs
Holli Cheung, Media & Communications Manager, iStorage Limited
Hardware encrypted hard drives (HDDs) and solid state drives (SSDs) provide high-capacity, secure portable storage. This is great for businesses that collect sensitive data and then need to transport it. HDDs can save more data, but SSDs are considered to be more durable. IStorage’s HDDs and SSDs are pin-authenticated and are ideal for those needing to keep their data secure and protected, whether at work, traveling, or within their home office.
12. USB Coffee Warmer
Jeremy Rose, CEO, Certa Hosting
The one gadget I use frequently is a USB coffee warmer for my office mornings. I love the way it looks and the way people often glance at my desk when they see it. The cup warmer is an interesting piece of tech that, while not replacing insulated bottles, makes for a nice piece of small talk.
13. Office Handy Multitool
Matt Crawford, Account Director, Pale Morning Media
Make sure you have a multitool in the office. Screws will come loose, nuts will need to be tightened, wires will have to be stripped, and packages will have to be opened. Perhaps an adult beverage or two will need to be opened to share on a celebratory occasion. When there’s no room (or budget) for a full-on toolbox for the office, a multitool offers a great option. Check out the SOG Q3 Baton. It’s easy to fold up and put into a desk drawer but has enough tools to get a vast number of small jobs done.
14. Bttn
Saku Everi, Director for Marketing & Communications, The Button Corporation
In an office environment, bttns are used as a shortcut to products or services, or to trigger entire workflows. This product lets you complete most office tasks like reordering office supplies, ordering a call-back from tech support, booking a vacant meeting room, and marking timesheets at a press of a button. Bttn comes with standalone connectivity for easy deployment, as well as integration tools.
15. Sphero Mini Robot Ball
This app-controlled mini robot ball is a desk gadget can help make your workplace friendly to those with disability issues. Your mini ball can also keep your client’s kids occupied. It comes in several options. You can program it to drive with nothing more than your facial movements. While designed as a game tool or coding practice robot, it can also be used to help those with limited mobility participate in group activities or video games.
16. KeySmart Keychain
When you’re moving around a lot as a business owner, it’s easy to misplace your keys. Because your keys are so important to managing your company operations, why not invest in a KeySmart Pro keychain for yourself and your managers? It can geo-locate lost keys. Isn’t that safer than hiding extra business keys under your work vehicle and office doormat?
17. Access Control System
Google Shopping
This access control system gives your little office the high-tech feel of a professional security system providing access only to those you authorize to enter. The DX Series Four Door Access Control Package can provide security entrance points for up to four doors so that you’ll know when someone enters or exits your building.
18. Wireless Charging Tray
The Courant Wireless Charging & Accessory tray is a desk gadget that serves as a drop zone for your electronics and can help your staff keep their mobile devices charged too. Consider placing one at your reception desk or in your company break room. That way there’s no excuse for your employees to reply with, “I didn’t get your text,” while refilling their coffee.
19. Phone Sanitizer
As one of the germiest items in your home or office, your phone needs a bath. While you can’t toss it in the breakroom dishwasher, you can clean and sanitize it with PhoneSoap. It’s an ultraviolet ray sanitizer that cleans the bacteria off your phone. Your in-office germaphobes will celebrate a desk gadget like this. As a bonus, it also serves as a backup charger.
20. Color 3D Printer
XYZ Printing
You know you want one―even if to serve as a distraction from preparing your quarterly sales report. This DaVinci Color 3D mini-printer uses standard CMY inkjet technology to create 3D models in color. It’s wireless, offers millions of options, and comes with 3D modeling software able to print office gadgets approximately 5 inches in size. Starting at about $200, it’s perfect for making a tiny product prototype or creating a 3D version of your logo to toss around the office.