Top 20 Azure DevOps Interview Questions
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Q.1 What is DevOps?
DevOps is Development and Operation’s Collaboration, it’s a Union of 3Ps - Process, People and Product (working Product) that enable continuous integration and continuous delivery of value to our end users. DevOps accelerate the process to deliver applications and software services at high speed and high velocity. So that organization can learn and adopt the market at its earliest. Also, it minimizing the risk factor by continuously delivering and getting end users and stakeholders feedback at the early stages.
Q.2 What is the need for DevOps?
In Traditional software development, after completing the development part, the code deployment time was huge. And many times, we heard the common fights between the Development Team and Operations Team or deployment team that it works fine on our system, it's the sever causing problem and operation team defenses it's not your server it's your code, Right? Well, DevOps solves the Traditional Dev and Ops fights by breaking the wall of confusion.
Q.3 How DevOps Works?
DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers that work together in the entire project lifecycle, from the design and development process to production releases and support.
Starting from design and development to testing automation and from continuous integration to continuous delivery, the team works together to achieve the desired goal. People having both development and operations skill sets working together and use various tools for CI-CD and Monitoring to respond quickly to customer's need and fix issues and bugs.
Q.4 What are the benefits of DevOps?
The main benefits of implementing DevOps are:
- Customer Satisfaction.
- More engaged and Collaborative Development and Operation teams.
- DevOps Deploy code faster in the market through Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
- Faster Operational Support.
- Strong Infrastructure Performance and IT performance.
- Less failures and continuous improvement.
- Transparency between the team.
- Constant Monitoring and better adaption.
- Increase efficiency
Q.5 What are the DevOps tools?
To Implement DevOps, Automation plays a major role and we defiantly need some tools for Implementation. Following are the major areas:
- Planning
- Code management
- Build and Testing
- Release management
- Deploy and Monitor
Here's a list of tools that can help you meet your DevOps requirement perfectly.
Q.6 Which tools are useful for Continuous Integration?
Azure Pipelines has support for all the platform like Linux, macOS, and Windows also we can consider following tools for the Continuous Integration.
- Jenkins
- TeamCity
- Travis CI
- Bamboo
- GitLab CI
- CircleCI
- Codeship
Q.7 Which tools are useful for Continuous Deployment?
Following are few useful Continuous Deployment tools
- Azure Pipelines for Deployment.
- Jenkins.
- TeamCity.
- Bamboo.
- ElectricFlow.
- Octopus Deploy.
- AWS CodeDeploy.
- DeployBot.
- Shippable.
Q.8 What is InfrastructureConfiguration Which tools are useful for InfrastructureConfiguration?
In today’s fast and competitive market, many companies demand a faster deployment process and Infrastructure Configuration, so treating Infrastructure as software and manage the processes such as version control, continuous integration, deployment and automated testing will make infrastructure changes more rapidly and reliably.
Following are the most popular tools for Infrastructure Configuration.
- Chef
- Puppet
- Ansible
Q.9 What is Continuous Testing? What is the use of Test Automation in DevOps?
DevOps is not about jobs or tools, it’s about people, culture and automation. and to implement DevOps, continuous testing plays a very important role where writing scripts for software testing and make it auto executable so that we can automate the testing and do the frequent releases using the delivery pipelines.
We have to write unit testing to achieve Continuous Testing.
Q.10 Which tools are useful for Continuous Testing?
For test Automation there are many open source tools are available, following are few names
- Selenium
- JMeter
- JUnit
- AntUnit
- Cucumber
- SoapUI
- Tricentis Tosca
Q.11 What is Continuous Monitoring?
DevOps and Agile are all about inspection and adaption to make continuous improvement in our process, and for that, we must have to monitor continuously the process, application performance and infrastructures.
By doing continuous infatuates monitoring, we can visualize the process and get the early alerts in real time. By analyzing that data, we can take decision wisely and adapt the things and process that best suits for the business.
More: Azure DevOps Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download.
Q.12 Which tools are useful for Continuous Monitoring?
For continuous monitoring Nagios, SysDig and Zabbix are the famous open source tools available in the market. Infrastructure as code(laC) vendors like Amazon and Google have tools like AWS CloudWatch and StackDriver. Also, New Relic is a good option for continuous monitoring.
Q.13 What is the container and What containers Azure DevOps support?
The container will provide a way to package your software code, its configurations, Packages and its dependencies into a single unit or object.
We can have multiple containers that can run on the same machine and share the operating system with other containers so that we can run anywhere fast and reliable and consistent deployments.
Azure DevOps has the following container support.
- Docker
- Asp.Net with containers.
- Azure Kubernetes services.
- Azure Service Fabric application with Docker support.
Q.14 What is Azure DevOps? What is the difference between Azure DevOps and VSTS Online?
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services, now known as Azure DevOps having excellent application lifecycle management tool.
We can plan a project with Agile tools and templates, manage and run test plans, Version control source code and manage the branches, deploy the solution across all platform using Azure Pipelines, by implementing Continuous Instigation and Continuous Deployment.
Q.15 What services Azure DevOps Provides?
Azure DevOps provides full application lifecycle management from planning to coding, and from testing to build and deploy.
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