Top 15 Best Practises for getting the most out of your Video Conference Meetings
InstaVC by PeopleLink - 4K Ultra HD Video Conference

Top 15 Best Practises for getting the most out of your Video Conference Meetings

With the current #Covid19 situation, video conferencing has become the new normal, be it conducting video business meetings, children attending online classes, patient-doctor consultations or even KYC completion via online Banking, its all being done via video conferencing.

PeopleLink has been in the Video Conferencing industry for more than 12+ years now, with Large scale installations across Government, Defence, Education, Healthcare and Enterprise sectors globally, we have compiled the list of Top 15 Video Conference Best Practises, which will help you make your business meetings more productive and rewarding and ensure you have to spend minimal time in getting the participants ready for your meetings.

1. Select a Good Video Conference Solution

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A good video conferencing solution like InstaVC by PeopleLink will go a long way in improving Your video meeting experience. With interactive audio-video and content sharing, advanced Host & Security controls, ability to scale for a large number of participants as well as inbuilt bandwidth optimization, InstaVC helps you get a smooth video collaboration experience very easily.


2. Test your Audio & Video equipment

3. Create a backup internet connection plan (like mobile data) especially if you are working from home and there may be a possibility of power/Internet disconnection. If you are the main meeting Host, you can also have another participant ready to take over, in case you are facing any issue. You can also consider using direct wired Ethernet if your Wifi is having dropouts.

4. Choose a quiet corner with minimal sound distraction. Having a carpeted area with sound absorption will be an additional help.

5. Try to have a solid color background like beige or blue instead of a distracting graphical background.

6. Avoid backlighting from Windows, draw solid colored curtains or close blinds if you are sitting with your back towards the window. Instead, the light should preferably come in from the front, and set the camera angle set so that your face is clearly visible in the video meeting.

7. DRY TEST RUN - Its always a good idea to hold a dry run or trial run with as many participants as possible before an important video conference meeting.


8. Dress up Appropriately - Remember Video Meetings are just like face to face meetings. People will be able to see you, hear you, just like in a regular personal meeting.

9. Have Participants MUTE their Audio when not speaking, to remove excessive background noise.

10. If any participant has bandwidth constraints, they can also MUTE their Video as well as other participant videos and keep only Speaker video on.

11. You can also ask participants to use the "Hand Raise" feature available in video conference solutions like InstaVC to draw attention to themselves without distracting the entire meeting.

12. Keep your physical body movements to the minimal, fidgeting or playing with your hair can be surprisingly distracting for other participants.

13. To make the meeting more collaborative, you can ask multiple participants for Feedback, send survey polls or even have multiple participants annotate over the inbuilt whiteboard.

14. Have your meeting agenda and presentations ready before the meeting itself.

15. Graceful Exit.

Remember, with your camera and mic on – participants at other locations can both see you as well as hear you. No one wants to be caught up in an embarrassing moment while on camera, so do remember to exit out properly once your meeting is over.


Past Meeting History - With InstaVC, you can also export the list of participants who attended your previous meetings, as well as view your recorded video meetings, chats and collaborative notes.

Video conferencing solutions like InstaVC are a very powerful tool in modern communication. Video conferencing helps build stronger and quicker relationships without any global boundaries to stop, allows for more effective communication and collaboration, and most importantly, allows you to use your time wisely so you can get more done each workday. Sign up now for your free Video Conference account at and discover the simplest and easiest way to connect with anyone, anywhere.


