Top 13 Small Business Ideas in Australia

Top 13 Small Business Ideas in Australia

Hello there! have decided to cover this topic today and give you some amazing small business ideas you can start in the beautiful country that is Australia.

Here is why:

According to Australian Trade and Investment Commission, this country is all about growth, industries that can easily flourish, new talents, amazing locations and a lot of business innovation.

Let’s go into these a little bit before we head straight to these ideas.

The point of this is to give you the why before giving you the what.


Australia provides a safe, low-risk environment in which to do business. This is easily accomplished because of its highly stable economy. So if I am being honest, starting a business in Australia isn’t actually defined as a luxury (which can well be said like so). Rather than that, it is a form of a new and improved lifestyle for anyone who wants to aim higher in life and make good money. Who’s to say that will not lead to being a millionaire or even better, a billionaire? This is the perfect example and reason to why you should really start thinking about these small business ideas that you can make an empire out of.


Let’s get straight into this one. What are the industries that you can easily find your stepping ground and make a good pile of money?

Australia has a global success rate when it comes to agribusiness, any type of resource and energy type of business, financial services (again due to their stable economy), education which the world is in dire need of and tourism as of course who wouldn’t want to visit this beautiful country?!

Talent and Location

Fun fact about this beautiful country: it has the most diverse and skilled labour force in the world. I know some of you may think Japan, or America or China should be on that first place, but it is actually Australia that takes the lead. Of course it goes without saying that the Asia – Pacific region and well connected with Australia in both economic and cultural sense. So yes, we are all in this together.

Business Innovation

As I mentioned before Australia has to be one of the safest places to do business due to its amazing economy status as it has highly stable industries that just keep growing. It also supports globally significant innovative researches and development which will offer you a great deal of world-class opportunities.

So now that you know why Australia is such a lucrative country to start a small business in, it is time we head on to the reason of this journey and find out what these ideas really are.

Entrepreneur, let’s start.


We all know what technology has done to the World Wide Web and how big of an asset it is. It has made the whole market grow and give people the opportunity to expand their marketing onto social media. This makes it easier for people to start an online business. I understand people all over the world can do this and it has not much to do with Australia but, here is why you should do it: if you share a passion for let’s say Web design or Graphic design then I would say you have this waiting for you just on the other side of your screen. For this you would need a very small capital that you can invest in organisation of it all and make a good business plan. If you want to work with family or friends, you can of course find what strengths you possess and what do your now co-workers have and that’s it.


Here is why I like this idea. There is no big complications when it comes to opening a rental business as it does not need any continuous product sales. It is absolutely up to you what you want to rent. Cars? Games? Party supplies? Photo booths? Clothes? It doesn’t really matter. All it requires is a good organisation and delegation of roles among your employees. You can’t do it alone, so if you are willing to find a family member or a friend who has the same drive and hunger for a small business then I would suggest pairing up and delegating management of the office, administration and customer service in a fair manner.


This business is amazing for you if you are the person who loves to cook. Also it is a great family business to start. We have all watched how Italian families always start a Pizzeria. This is similar to this, just the Australian version. As more and more people are supporting local organic produces there is no reason why your business won’t be a successful one. Think like this: What do you like to make? What people do you want to cook for? I bet you can come up with a menu that has something tasty that will make their stomach take them right back to you. Even if some family members don’t want to actively participate in the business, they can invest in it as they know your families strengths in the kitchen.


More and more people are finding out just how lucrative the cleaning business is. From laundry machines and ironing to cleaning carpets and furniture. Although not the most glamorous of businesses, it sure does bring in a lot of customers that are going on events or simply too busy to have the time to clean everything themselves.


Again, same as the internet and online business, you should really find a way to take advantage of the internet and just how popular it has become. Network marketing gives you the opportunity to develop a technology that is yet to make this world a better place. This will have a lot to do with your sales and marketing skills if I am being honest. Which means that this job idea is not for everyone. It also means that you will have to depend on people around you to do their part of work, but once you are sure you are all on the same track, your business will soar. It is a fact that networking and marketing are a few of the absolute necessities to starting a business, no matter what industry.


As more and more people are deciding to make their family a big bigger by getting a pet, this is the perfect business idea. It is an inevitable industry that just keeps getting more and more important. Australians for one LOVE their pets. Because of that love you have the perfect opportunity to grow your business exponentially as the owners will give great amounts of money for you to take care of their pets. Walk them, groom them, give them pet care products, buy them all the fancy new toys and even more. You can grow your business and even have the opportunity to develop further collaborations with big Pet Stores in order to have more opportunities.


Australia being one of the top tourist destinations and being on the agenda for Australians, this is a perfect small business idea. It can grow from booking services, to city tours to arranging whole vacation trips and even a new bed and breakfast houses. It is of wide range and it is becoming more and more relevant. So why not start your own travel agency or become a qualified travel guru?!


Every company needs some help at some point. This is why this idea will bring you great opportunities that just don’t end. Since every workplace has its ups and downs and it is in constant change due to quality reports and work laws, most businesses are not as prepared or educated on how they can grow bigger and better. This makes a great opening for Australian work consultants and business consultants who are quite familiar with all the laws and can provide an increase in strength and the opportunities for the businesses they advise. If you have the knowledge and drive for this kind of business, I suggest you get right to it.


A business that will never run out of people who love and appreciate what you do. Wow that sounds amazing. And it is a fact. People have to eat. It is a bit different than having a catering business since it brings more responsibility and more money, time and effort. But if you have all of those and you are a chef even, then this can be the perfect business in which you and your family will flourish. Yes it will take time, money and effort, but what doesn’t. Just remember, this also, will need a lot of networking and marketing if you want to succeed.


Another gold mine. Here is why: more and more people are turning to themselves and trying to find a way to make their health better and more stable. And since Australians are very conscious of their health and they are ready to spend more money in order to stay in shape and be healthy, this is a great way to use your skills and knowledge on this topic to make a business that will grow exponentially. A holistic approach will define your business as their go to when it comes to achieving a better lifestyle. And yes, I know, there are a lot of wellness centres and products in Australia. Even so, there’s enough profit to go ground.


Another win for the pet community. A noble career indeed. So if you are a vet who is keen on the idea to start your own business this is a lucrative and fast growing path you can and should take. This career idea is hinged on the basis of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals. As this is a wide field you have a big range of duties and veterinary care you can offer all over your city or area.


Again, it seems that small business ideas in Australia are mostly focused on animals, but like I said that is mostly because Australians love their pets and want to give them an amazing life. This includes having their pictures taken. To others, they just want a beautiful picture that captured the soul of their bellowed friend and pet once the animal passes away. They are a part of our family so why shouldn’t we do this? Absolutely no reason what so ever.


As I mentioned a few numbers before, health has become a very important part of our lives and due to this more and more people are trying to find help outside of the Internet or a group of doctors. Here is where this business can get you to extra zeros in the bank account. Health advisors are there to help you from safety at work, to living a better and fuller life by having the nutrition you need and the exercise you seek. This is exactly why what they say should be what you apply to your life. Also if you want to make your business grow even more, health advisors not only advise workers and the general population but also provide advice and guidance to small businesses and big companies to help prevent accidents, injuries and health issues in the workplace.


So now that I covered a few of the industries that are popular in Australia’s small businesses. Which one do you think speaks to you most and if you think I forgot a few, let me know below in the comment section as there are more and more people seeking for ideas to become successful entrepreneurs.



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