Top 12 LNC Writing Tips You Should Know
Patricia W Iyer MSN RN LNCC
Legal Nurse Consultant Business Coach | Podcast Host | Editor I I work with legal nurse consultants to help them grow their businesses, gain more cases and clients, and avoid expensive mistakes.
Looking for writing tips? Along with the quality of the information presented, you should also factor in readability. Focus on making your writing as easy to read as possible. Your goal is for readers to understand and absorb the information you present, so don’t make it difficult for them to do so.
Check Out These Writing Tips:
1.?Use Common Vocabulary
When you’re writing, use common and familiar vocabulary.?Avoid language that’s too colloquial, idiomatic, or slangy. Be careful with medical terms. Use jargon only if you’re sure your audience will understand it. ?
2. Start with the Main Idea
The first sentence of each paragraph should introduce its main idea. The other sentences should go deeper into this idea, offer examples, or an explanation. ?
3. Use Short and Simple Sentence
Most sentences should have one clause.nbsp;The maximum should be two clauses. Reduce run-on sentences and make each sentence describe one distinct idea. nbsp;
4. Avoid Redundancy
Don’t use redundant phrases like “added bonus,” “final outcome,” and “end result.”?Be especially careful with adjectives. If you find yourself using two adjectives that mean the same thing, choose the better of the two and cut the other. ?
5. Keep Paragraphs Short
Each paragraph should be just no more than 5 sentences. ?It is difficult to read a long paragraph.
6. Lead the Reader
Move the reader through your text with transition words like “firstly,” “however,” and “finally.” These words help make your writing smoother and easier to read. ?
7. Use White Space
You don’t need to stuff every page with text. From a design point of view, white space makes your pages look nice. It also helps the reader to not feel overwhelmed. ?
8. Use Precise Language
Avoid using phrases like “about,” “almost,” “kind of,” or “that kind of thing.” Say things in a more concrete way. Instead of saying “etc.” or “and more,” give the reader more concrete examples. Precise language helps avoid misinterpretation. ?
9. Use Active Voice
Use the active voice and avoid using the passive voice. The active voice is usually more direct and easier to understand. It also makes sentences shorter and quicker to read. ?
10. Use Bullet Points and Lists
Bullet points and lists come in handy for picking out key words and ideas. They help the reader organize the information you’re presenting, and also provide an easy way to reference the material. ?
11. Break up Text with Headings and Subheadings
Break up your text with headings and subheadings to make it more easily skimmable. These are like mini-chapters that tell the reader what topic the text is discussing. ?
12. Let Each Idea Breathe
Avoid hitting the reader with too many ideas per page. Make sure that you fully flesh out each idea and provide plenty of explanations and examples. Remember that information that’s everyday knowledge to you can be new to your reader. ?
Writing Tips Conclusion
To sum it up, pay attention to your writing. Begin incorporating these writing tips and soon your writing skills will improve. After consistently working on improving how you write, it will become second nature for you.
Pat Iyer grew up in a house with a dictionary that stayed on the dining room table so that anyone making grammatical errors could and would be challenged. The Language Patrol never took a day off.
Chronology Tips
LNCs provide an essential service when we go through medical records to create a chronology. A chronology can focus on injuries, complications, pre-existing conditions, prior injuries, and other pertinent aspects of the plaintiff’s care.
The kinds of cases in which chronologies are particularly useful include personal injury, nursing, and medical malpractice, workers' compensation, product liability, toxic tort, and criminal cases.
Watch a recent podcast on this topic: Mary Beth Kerstein, MSN RN, estimates she has written thousands of chronologies. She shares tips on creating impressive chronologies.
Book Corner
You are finished your LNC report and know you need to edit and proofread it. Where do you begin? In Painless Editing and Proofreading: A Step-By-Step Guide for LNCs.
You’ll learn how to:
With Painless Editing and Proofreading: A Step-By-Step Guide for LNCs, you’ll edit your report with ease. Get it today at
February 27, 28 and March 1, the 11th? LNC Success ? Online Conference
Get the support, community, knowledge, and networking you need to success in your LNC business. Dive into the sessions taught by experienced LNCs, attorneys, and business experts. Explore your options and get the Super Early Bird ticket at 2025virtual. This interactive and fun LNC conference is moderated by Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC and Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC.
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Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC established a highly successful independent legal nurse?consulting?business in Flemington, NJ, in 1989. Pat testified as an expert witness for 25 years as a liability expert for medical surgical cases and expert fact witness.
After growing this multi-million dollar business, Pat sold the company and now is a business?coach to assist LNCs to grow their businesses.? She provides books, courses, and online?training?to help LNCs make more money, get more?clients and avoid?expensive mistakes. Get all the details at
Pat served on the Board of Director of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC), including one year as President. ?She is a Legal Nurse Consultant Certified.?
Legal Nurse Consultant/Extensive experience reviewing hundreds of personal injury cases for the past 15 years developing chronologies and medical summaries. Clinically active on a telemetry medical-surgical unit.
5 个月Thanks Patricia W Iyer MSN RN LNCC for sharing these tips on improving report writing.